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Time Travel to Become Your Sweetheart novel Chapter 113

As the music grew louder, Daisy looked through the mask at the man she was dancing with.

She could see the man's great chin and thin lips under the cool mask.

It was said that thin-lipped men were thin-hearted. But Daisy thought that her love for William was like a moth pouring into a fire.

Although she liked William in the past, she didn't go crazy. But now, she only wanted to throw herself into his embrace, even if the temperature of the fire was enough to burn her to death.

Tears streaked across the corner of her eyes. After tonight, she might not have the chance to do so.


Before the dance started, Randy was informed that the Cart family had assigned a number plate and that he would dance with Jane.

They danced together for a while, but he didn't say anything. He was afraid that Jane would dislike him.

How could they get closer bit by bit? Randy didn't receive the response, but he never doubted his charm.


Daisy's face turned cold. What happened to William? Was he the cold William?

However, after having danced with her for a while, he still thought about Jane.

"I'm not."

Daisy replied stiffly. She hugged Randy's waist and threw herself into his embrace.

The two were close to each other in an extremely intimate way.

Daisy thought, "Right now, William's partner is her, only her."

"You're not Jane. Who are you?"

Randy noticed something wrong. The Cart family was not reliable. Fortunately, he didn't say much to the woman.

"You're not William. Then who are you?"

Daisy realized that she misunderstood the man and hastily retreated. She tripped over the fatty behind her, lost her balance, and fell to the ground. Her knees landed on the ground and her face twisted with pain.

Why haven't Sophia and the fatty been kicked out yet?

Randy wondered why the woman suddenly knelt in front of so many people.

Randy frowned and hesitated. Out of gentlemanly demeanor, he helped her up.

"Who are you?"

Randy asked.


Daisy still did not understand what the problem was. She had planned that William and she were in the same group while Jane and Randy were in the same group.


Randy curled his lips into a mocking smile. Daisy could not handle such a small matter. No wonder she was fooled by Jane. She wanted to frame Jane, but she set herself up in the end.

Kylie was much better than the stupid Daisy.


After she fell, Daisy twisted her ankle and was about to leave the circle.

"Don't be unable to afford to lose."

Randy turned around and pulled Daisy back.

Anyway, it was just dancing. It didn't matter who the partner was. He still had a lot of chances to get close to Jane.

The music continued, becoming more and more urgent. Jane closed her eyes, and a bloody scene appeared in front of her.

She seemed to be in a world of darkness that was surrounded by hard barriers. No matter how hard she shouted, it would be useless for her to rush out.

Music could control the mind and make people gradually feel despair.

The remaining pairs of partners in the middle of the hall started to be frightened and wanted to break free.

"Black Friday!"

William's eyes became even deeper under his mask, and he unconsciously bit his lips.

Feeling the sweetness of the blood, he could control his mind.


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