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Time Travel to Become Your Sweetheart novel Chapter 140


Dayton clapped, his face full of expectation.

Suddenly, his stomach rumbled twice untimely.

Dayton was very embarrassed. He hid behind Jane and rubbed his little face against the hem of her clothes.

"Baby, are you hungry?"

Dayton would be shy. Jane squatted down and held her son in her arms. She asked with a smile.

The food box at night was too greasy and not tasty. She just took a few bites.

The company ordered pizza and red wine to celebrate. She should also take her son to have something delicious.


Dayton covered his face with his hands and peeked at his mother through the gaps of his fingers.

He was afraid of disturbing his mother's work and did not say it when he was hungry. The assistant brought him a cake, but it was too sweet.

"What do you want to eat? Mommy will take you."

Jane wanted to let her son decide.

It was bad to be strict with children all the time. They needed time to relax.


Dayton's face flashed with lights. He wanted to have pizza, sweet potato horns, and calamari.

Colin forbade him from eating unhealthy fast food.

At the kindergarten, Ramiro ate a lot of fast food and was very satisfied when coming back. Dayton hadn't had once.

"If that's the case, I will fulfill your wish."

Jane kissed her son. Fast food restaurants were open 24 hours a day. She checked the map and found one near the Duncan Group.

They went to eat pizza and waited for William to go home with them. On the Internet, people went crazy for the release of Only One's new product.

Daisy was sitting on the sofa drinking fruit juice and enjoying the massage of the servants. She suddenly saw a piece of news popped out and could not believe her eyes.

"This is impossible!"

Daisy sat up and opened the webpage.

She took away all the employees in Jane's company, but only left the craftsman who made the jewelry behind. This was her plan.

She wanted to use him to give Jane a fatal blow.

The jewelry design must be handed over to the jewelry craftsman. At that time, she could steal it and ruined Jane's press conference!

"What the hell did you do?"

Julia saw the news and went downstairs to question her daughter.

Who made the decision to make an exclusive interview with Only One?

The founder of fashion magazines had always maintained a good cooperative relationship with the Cart family. If the Cart family did not nod, it was impossible for them to report about Only One.

And now, not only was it on, there was also a special report.

Julia felt that Daisy had something to do with this.

"Mom, I don't know what happened!"

Daisy smashed the teacup, not understanding what was going on.

In her calculations, Jane was sure to lose. Without the design draft, she would not be able to launch the new product and sort of cheating the public. Even if her subsequent design was perfect, the best opportunity had gone.

Therefore, Daisy designed to let her draw attention for now.

"How stupid Jessica is! How could she, a nobody, contact a fashion magazine herself?"

It was Daisy who gave her some help.

She asked the fashion magazine to interview Only One and give it a commercial page. She even paid for the headline.

"You waited for Jane to fall and then you can step on her, but things didn't go as you wish?"


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