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Time Travel to Become Your Sweetheart novel Chapter 200

On the way home, Jane heard that Daisy was connected to a lie detector, which showed she was not lying. She didn't push Sophia.

"You don't seem to be surprised," said William.

He tried his best to drive steadily while staring at Jane sideways. She was very calm.

"No. There are only two possibilities."

Daisy pushed Sophia or Sophia slipped on purpose to frame Daisy.

Jane couldn't figure out which one was right. But judging from Sophia's reaction, Jane thought the latter was more likely.

Daisy wasn't stupid enough to kill her baby.

"Stay away from the Carts," William said seriously.

He had a bad impression of them. The family was troublesome.

Jane didn't say anything. She asked about the new undersea project of the Duncan Group. The project had been the center of public attention.

"We are going to measure the stability of the sea."

These factors were crucial. William found the project harder than he had expected, but he was confident.

He believed hard effort will pay off.

It was just that some of the senior directors had been causing troubles recently. It was as if someone was asking them to thwart his efforts.

"Could it be the Floyds?"

Jane asked tentatively.

If it was someone else, William wouldn't remain silent with a deep frown.

"Yeah. Grandfather still doesn't know it."

Colin had just had an operation and was still recovering from it. Plus, he had been away from business for a long time. William did not want to bother him.

If he wanted a speedy recovery, he should be emotionally stable. But his blood pressure had long been an issue.

"I think you underestimate grandpa."

Colin had been through many ups and downs in the past decades. As a senior businessman, he had seen loads of tricks and treachery.

"I told him about what happened recently, and he soon knew what was going on."

Jane pointed out. It was William who couldn't see the big picture.

William and Andrew had been good friends since they were kids.

If there was bad blood between the Floyds and the Duncans, it would spoil their friendship.

William drove in silence. If their families turned against each other one day, he only hoped it happened as late as possible.

"Janie, come back now. Andrew is crazy!"

Jane's phone rang. It was Pearl's number and she picked it up immediately.

"What happened?"

Jane was shocked.

Shouldn't Andrew be in the hospital?

"Andrew is just like a mad dog. A mad dog!"

Pearl screamed. It turned out that Andrew and Robert were fighting!

"Robert wanted to send me home. We were on the way back but were stopped by the Floyds."

Pearl was so angry that she couldn't utter a word properly. It took her a long time to calm down.

She suddenly remembered she was short of the medicine that she had been taking. So, she went to the hospital with Robert.

They met Andrew there. He was pale.

Andrew had just given his blood to Daisy, and he brought two bodyguards with him.

"And then? Did he question you?" asked Jane.

She had a bad feeling. Perhaps Andrew had misunderstood them.

"Of course! He asked me why I lied. How dare he say that!"


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