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Trapped with a Lawyer novel Chapter 172

The doctor's words made Samuel frown. Without him by her side, Ella hardly knew how to look after herself well.

"Thanks, doctor."

After leaving the doctors' office, Samuel went into the ward. Ella was lying there, deep asleep, and receiving a transfusion.

He looked at his watch. It was past 5 am. Then he sat close to her by her bedside and looked at her pale face.

She seemed busier than him and had lost a lot of weight recently.

Her pointed chin showed, which made her less beautiful than when she was pregnant.

He was observing her when his phone rang. Who could it be this early in the morning?

Immediately he remembered he was in America. It was past 5 pm in China. Now it made sense.

He took out his phone and saw the number. He quickly stood up and went to the window. He picked the call.

"Mr. Shao, we've got lead on Miss Bo's accident."

"Tell me about it."

"In the storeroom where the wires are placed, we found white stuff on one of the wires. After studying it, we found that the wire was daubed with some kind of chemical, which corrodes and weakens wires. The wire with this chemical would become frayed when weight is applied, and then eventually snaps.

It turned out that the accident was caused by someone on purpose."

"Human error or on purpose? I need clarification. Please find out who did it! Try to obtain surveillance video of the set or interrogate the person who was responsible for keeping the stage equipment." The man on the other-side of the phone was horrified by his aggressive tone. He had never heard Samuel speak like that since they knew each other.

"Of course, Mr. Shao. I'll keep you informed."

After hanging up the phone, Samuel was thoughtful for some time and then he returned to the bedside.

With nothing to do, Samuel began to play with Ella's hair and muttered, "Ella! Wake up. I have so much to tell you!

Your failure to take good care of yourself means I must keep you by my side, or I won't be free from worry.


Ella had a good sleep and when she woke up, she stared at the ceiling and realised that she may be in the hospital.

When she turned, she saw an angry man with a unshaven face looking at her.

Samuel... Still here?

But she could not pay any attention to Samuel now because she had an important commercial to shoot on that day.

Thinking of this, she sat up suddenly and asked Samuel in a panic, "What time is it now?"

Samuel felt angry after hearing her words, and replied coldly, "Ten thirty."

"Oh, I'm screwed! It's already half past ten. Where is my phone?" Ella uncovered the sheet anxiously and began to get out of bed.

Fortunately, she had finished the transfusion in the morning and the needle had been removed. Otherwise, she would have gotten hurt because of her erratic movements.

Regardless of her anxiety, Samuel stopped her from getting out of bed, "Stay where you are!"

"No, I can't. I have an important commercial to shoot today. I'm late. I must hurry up to get there." However, her shoulder was pressed by Samuel. She could not move at all.

"Ella! You are ill. You must rest!" He said with anger. Ella was too busy with her work to care about her own health.

She looked at Samuel who was still angry, and said patiently, "Look, the transfusion is finished and I feel much better now. I must hurry up to get to the filming site."


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