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Triplets on Secret Mission novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Perhaps, this was troubledness one felt when they were meeting someone dear to them whom they had never met for a long time.

Then, Molly’s eyes shifted and looked at Caden. Her eyes were still cold until she stared at him for some time. Suddenly, she grinned and said warmly, “Why did you come to see me so suddenly, Caden?”

“Molly…” When Caden heard her gentle voice, the emotions that he was fighting back immediately poured out as he responded with a trembling voice, “I-I heard them saying that you’re back. So… I want to see you. I want to see if it’s true, and you’re really back!”

“Yeah! I’m back. I’ve really come back.” Molly smiled as she looked at her “brother,” who was still a kid back then. Now, he was tall and grown. She was suddenly sentimental, in awe of how time flies.

Caden’s tears fell uncontrollably, hitting the ground as they hit Molly’s heart.

Molly showed a resigned expression and walked toward him to wipe away his tears. She only

realized that she had to look up to see his face when she got closer to him. “Why are you crying? We don’t get to meet very often,” Molly smiled as she said.

“I really miss you, Molly. I’ve been searching for you everywhere these years, but I can’t get a hold of you anywhere. I was worried sick!” Caden said.

Caden was sincere while he said that. His worried expression looked exactly like the young boy who loved to follow Molly around when they were younger.

Molly’s eyes started to water after listening to Caden, who had always been with her since he was little. Whenever he got bullied, he would hide behind Molly. But when he saw Molly being bullied, he would stand up for her, vowing to protect his dear sister.


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