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True Love Waits novel Chapter 134

Kasie went on talking without even stopping for breath. "They all think that Megan's best days are behind her because the four most wonderful men in Y City protect you instead now. Carlos Huo has also clarified his relationship with Megan and declared to everyone that she is just his niece. She didn't even go to the party last night. There were too many rumors."

"Don't they have a life? Why do they have so much time to gossip?" Debbie was annoyed. No wonder so many of her schoolmates had looked at her differently this morning.

They'd looked at her like they wanted to get close to her but they were also afraid of her.

Kasie waved her hand. "People think you have the support of Curtis, Damon, and Hayden, but they don't know that you have the support of someone even more powerful. Wait till they find out that you're Mrs. Huo. Tsk tsk! Y City is going to be turned upside down."

In Y City, the most powerful thing wasn't money or status, but the name "Carlos". However, when people found out that he was married, they might admire and respect Mrs. Huo even more, because she had managed to capture the heart of the mighty Mr. Huo.

Debbie only half believed what Kasie said, considering that she had a tendency to exaggerate things sometimes, just like Jared.

After class in the afternoon, Debbie got a call from Hayden. "I'm not busy today. Can we grab a meal together?" he asked.

"No, thanks, Mr. Gu. I have class tonight." Debbie turned him down.

"Deb, we have known each other for a long time. Do you have to treat me like a stranger?" Hayden asked, sounding depressed.

"Yes. I'm married. I don't want my husband to misunderstand. I have to go. Bye, Mr. Gu."

Debbie didn't understand why Hayden was holding onto something hopeless.

When she and Kasie reached the gate of the university, they noticed a sapphire Porsche parked at the roadside, drawing attention from all sides. Hayden was leaning against the car and talking on the phone.

When he saw Debbie, he hung up and walked toward her.

Kasie nudged Debbie. "Your ex is here for you."

Debbie had seen him, but she decided to cut him dead. Arm in arm, the two girls walked on without looking at the man. However, he quickened his pace and stopped them in their tracks.

Once again, Debbie became the hot topic on campus. Everyone who was watching the scene started whispering excitedly among themselves.

"Sorry, Kasie, I need to talk to Debbie alone. How about I have my driver take you home?" Hayden said.

Fully aware of what he meant, Kasie didn't respond. She looked at Debbie, who was expressionless.

"Hayden, we have nothing to talk about. Besides, I don't have that kind of time," Debbie said resignedly.

But her words didn't affect the persistent man. "Deb, I know you're still upset, but can you please give me a chance to apologize?"

Debbie took a deep breath and turned to Kasie. "Kasie, it's okay. Go home. I'll see you tomorrow."

Kasie gave Hayden a pointed look. "Mr. Gu, Debbie has a husband. I hope you won't cross the line," she warned.

Hayden just smiled in response.

After Kasie left, Debbie got into Hayden's car. Both of them sat next to each other in the back seat.

After a while, they reached Saint-Raphael Restaurant, one of the best French restaurants in Y City.


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