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True Love Waits novel Chapter 144

Avoiding Gus, Debbie found a quiet corner and sat down, looking blankly into the distance. She was immersed in deep thoughts. 'What's Carlos doing right now? I've been away for a few days. Has he been missing me?'

Since she was on a trip far away from the city, Debbie had left her diamond ring behind.


Her train of thoughts was interrupted by a voice again and she snapped back into reality.

Debbie turned to look at the person and gave him a friendly smile. "Hi, Gregory." Gregory had helped her several times in the past few days and she felt the need to be polite to him though she did want to stay alone and allow herself to indulge in Carlos' memories.

Gregory sat down next to Debbie. "Why are you sitting here alone? Are you feeling cold?" he asked in a concerned tone.

"No, I'm okay."

She thought about her quarrel with Carlos a few days ago, so she wasn't in the mood to talk much. Gregory was a man of few words, so he didn't know what to say next either. Awkward silence filled the air.

He unwittingly stole glances at Debbie, who had loneliness written all over her face. Finally, he broke the silence and asked, "Debbie, you look upset. What happened?"

"Oh...Um... It's nothing, really." Not knowing how to explain what had happened, Debbie gave him an embarrassed smile and then suggested quickly, "Let's go and find the others!" Being alone with someone who had nothing in common with her made Debbie feel uncomfortable.

Gregory stood still, watching his favorite girl walk away from him. He had a lot of questions for her, but they were all stuck in his throat.

He wanted to ask her about her relationship with Carlos. But he knew that he wasn't in a position to ask such a private question. Left with no choice, he hurried to catch up with her to find their other schoolmates.

On their way, they bumped into Gail, who was complaining to another girl about how dirty the village was. She was telling the girl that she was afraid of catching some infectious disease.

Debbie had been hearing Gail's constant complaint ever since the day they had arrived at Southon Village. Every time she felt like rambling, she would complain to the same girl. But in front of others, she would pretend to be tender and sweet.

And once again, Debbie got to witness Gail's instant change in character. A boy approached Gail and called her name while she was talking to the other girl. She instantly stopped wearing her long face. Forcing a tender smile, she turned around and said, "Hello, Tim. What's up?"

The boy named Tim Zhang sheepishly handed a hot-water bag to Gail and said, "Hi, Gail...Um... I filled this bag with hot water for you. Please use it and keep warm." His heart ached when he saw Gail's reddened face due to the cold.

Gail accepted his kindness with a sweet smile. Tilting her head down shyly, she took the hot-water bag from Tim Zhang. He jogged away with his face flushing red.

As soon as the boy was out of sight, Gail looked at the bag in her hands with contempt in her eyes. Debbie noticed it.

She wanted to reveal Gail's true face to everyone so badly. Yet, she held back her anger. There were times that she felt helpless. If she and Gail were to be really considered as enemies, then Debbie would have lost the game the moment they had been born.

Since Debbie was the elder cousin, she had to concede to Gail no matter what.


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