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True Love Waits novel Chapter 195

Debbie thought that kissing was only appropriate for adults, so she had rebuffed Hayden's requests all the time when they were dating.

Once, he attempted to forcibly kiss her on the lips and promptly found himself on his back with the wind knocked out of him. She had thrown him over her shoulder. Afterwards they gave each other the silent treatment for months.

It was Debbie who caved. She started to make up for what she did, but their relationship was a shadow of what it was previously.

"Deb, we live in the 21st century, for crying out loud." Hayden was at a loss for words.

Debbie felt she was maybe in the wrong about that, so she changed the subject. "That's in the past. We've been apart for a long time. And I've found my true love, so let's move on."

Hayden's heart ached when she said she had found the one. "If he really loved you, he would have announced your marriage and told everyone that you are his wife. But he didn't. He doesn't love you, Deb. Open your eyes!"

"Wrong! I'm the one who wants it kept under wraps," she told him. Her face betrayed no emotion.

Hayden was so shocked he couldn't even speak. "Deb, you know I love you. But Carlos Huo? In the circles I run in, he's known to be cold, distant, and calculating. Don't get taken in by him. There is no such thing as the modern Cinderella. So be realistic, okay?"

Debbie withdrew her gaze from outside the window to look at him. "You don't know me. You don't know us. How can you be so judgmental?"

Hayden was reduced to silence again. After a while, he stood up, came to her, pulled her to her feet, and embraced her tightly. "Did you know I was so worried about you when I learned you married Carlos Huo I immediately booked a ticket to New York? Do you really think he can manage a big company like ZL Group without being underhanded and scheming? Impossible. He's known as a ruthless businessman. Even if you don't love me, let me in. Don't push me away. I'll wait for you, until the day you finally figure out who he really is. You'll come back to me.

" Debbie was only human. When someone she had once loved whispered to her how much he cared about her, she froze and didn't know how to turn him down.

Hayden went on, "I won't get married to anyone else. I'll wait for you. When Carlos Huo hurts you, I'll be waiting. My arms are your harbor. You loved me once, but I never stopped loving you.

Babe, I know it's too late, but I won't give up. My life is a dark place without you. I'm a walking zombie. I work my ass off at Gu Group. I do it for you. I used to be a jerk, I know. That's why I want to make money, a lot of money. I want to give you everything."

Words like "no," "never," "can't" were on the tip of Debbie's tongue, but she didn't have a chance to cut in. She was waiting for him to calm down and then to turn him down.


"Mr. Gu, I see you came to New York to declare your love for my wife. How touching!" a familiar and cold voice said. His voice was like a thunderbolt over Debbie's head.

She pushed Hayden away in a fluster. Nonetheless, when she turned around, she saw Carlos sitting comfortably in an armchair. He seemed to have been there for a while.

Her face went pale. She trotted over to Carlos and said, "Carlos—" Before she could continue, Carlos took her hand, stood up, and strode towards Hayden with her.


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