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True Love Waits novel Chapter 59

Debbie could foresee on her mind what her WeChat friends would say when they saw her post, but she didn't care about it.

Gaily humming a song, she threw her phone on her bed and went into the bathroom. "Hey I just met you and this is crazy. But here's my number, so call me maybe..."

Feeling refreshed after her shower, she came out of the bathroom and grabbed her phone. Unlocking it, she was surprised to see that her WeChat Moments had been flooded with thousands of comments.

A girl from her class commented, "Debbie, do you live with a man?"

Another classmate said, "Wow, this man has a perfect body. Debbie, why don't you introduce him to me?"

"Is Mr. Huo good in bed? How long did he last? Tell me!" Kasie commented. She also added an emoji showing a wicked grin.

Kristina cracked a joke, "Debbie, to tell you the truth, I've been drooling over your husband's face for a long time. Since we are best friends, can you share him with me?" The comment was followed by a shy emoji.

Jared said, "Tomboy, I really admire you. Now you are not just Mrs. Huo by name. You are already his woman. I've made up my mind that I'll be one of your loyal lackeys from now on."

Dixon commented, "What did Kristina comment? Tell me please!"

Debbie's eyes widened in shock, and her mouth was held open for almost a minute. She had more than 1, 000 friends on WeChat. Thus, she gave up because the comments were too many to read. She even felt a little dizzy after reading the first ten comments.

'Wow, Carlos' back attracted so much attention. What if I take a picture of his face and post it online? No, I can't do that! If I did that, my phone would lag with so many comments!' she thought.

She updated her Moments and found out that someone had already had a screenshot of her post and reposted it.

"Headlines of Economics and Management School: Irrefutable evidence shows that Debbie Nian is living with a man!"

"I saw this man's picture in my WeChat Moments this morning. Who is this handsome man?"

"Wow, if I had a boyfriend like this, I could stay in the bedroom with him the whole day."

These were some of the captions from the posts made by Debbie's WeChat friends.

How the post went viral was beyond Debbie's expectation.

Desperately, she wanted to delete her post. But on second thought, it was no use doing so as many of her friends had already had the screenshot. After short consideration, she commented the post, "You guys took it all wrong. I've just downloaded this picture from the net and posted it."

Gail commented in just a few seconds, "I knew it!"

Debbie was held speechless and wondered, 'Is she keeping an eye on my WeChat Moments?'

She decided to get back at Gail, so she replied to her comment, "I know this man, and we're closely related."

Only their common WeChat friends could see her conversation with Gail, and since they barely had common WeChat friends, Debbie thought it would be safe because other people wouldn't see it.

On Gail's end, the moment she saw Debbie's reply, the first person that came to her mind was Carlos. She grew insanely jealous and began to console herself, 'Calm down. Mr. Huo would never fall for a girl like Debbie Nian.'

The comments and messages on her phone kept on popping up. Debbie threw her phone aside and rubbed her aching temples. She decided to leave it aside and went to the dining room to have breakfast first. It was Saturday and she had arranged with her friends to go shopping.

When she entered the living room, Julie was opening the gates for Carlos. Debbie ran towards him and called out, "Hey! Old man."

Carlos turned around, waiting for her next words.

Julie giggled and said, "Debbie, why did you call Mr. Huo 'old man'? I thought a young girl like you would address your husband as Honey."

Debbie flushed scarlet with embarrassment. She tugged on Julie's sleeve and Julie instantly got her point. "Ah, you have your own sweet words to address him, don't you? I'm going to the kitchen now," Julie said with a sly smile.

Debbie's face turned redder.


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