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True Love Waits novel Chapter 97

"Debbie Nian!" Carlos called out her name with authority and it stopped Debbie from talking any further.

She lowered her head and her lips thinned into a grim line.

Megan picked up a steamed stuffed bun and said, "Aunt Debbie, please try this. This is my favorite bun stuffed with veggies. Uncle Carlos asked the chef to come here and cook them for me."

'Seriously? Are you not going to stop showing off his love for you? I'm sick of it!'

Trying her best to suppress her anger, Debbie replied coldly, "I'm good, thank you. I don't like buns. Why don't you give it to your Uncle Carlos?"

Aside from the fact that she was pissed, it was the truth; she was not fond of buns. Though she didn't really hate it, she would not buy a bun if it was her choice. Moreover, she had lost her appetite already.

Megan's hand came to a halt in midair as she pretended to be hurt by Debbie's words. "I... I'm sorry...I didn't know that you..." Her voice trailed off dramatically.

Debbie rolled her eyes secretly and stayed silent. Carlos, however, picked up the plate in front of Debbie and placed the bun on it. He then put the plate back and said in a curt voice, "Megan asked you to have it out of kindness. Eat!"

Unable to hold back her anger anymore, Debbie banged her chopsticks on the table. "Carlos Huo, you will do anything to please Megan Lan, won't you? If this is how it's going to be, then you don't need me as your wife. Why don't you just marry—"

"Shut up!" Carlos thundered, his face dark and gloomy. Silence befell the dining hall.

Then he stood from his seat and demanded coldly, "Follow me!"

"NO!" Debbie cast a burning glance at the girl whose eyes were red now, and brazenly walked towards the gates of the villa.

"Stop!" came the man's cold voice from behind her.

Debbie felt deeply wronged. She had worked so hard to make money to buy Carlos a gift, but now, she felt like he didn't deserve it. She turned around, looked him in the eye and said calmly, "After we've spent so much time together, I've realized that we do not belong with each other. Carlos Huo, we're done."

He was a proud man with a strong personality, and she was short-tempered as well. He was always nice and gentle to Megan, never letting her down in any circumstances. However, he had lost his temper a couple of times with Debbie. He had threatened her with her weaknesses and even left her alone in the cemetery at midnight. And just now, he had forced her to eat something that she didn't even like, all for Megan's sake.

Since he valued Megan more than his own wife, Debbie decided to give up the position to her. Tears streamed down Debbie's cheeks, but she turned around so that he wouldn't see it.

She opened the gate and rushed out of the villa.

Carlos sat back in his seat, his eyes closed. The veins on his forehead were pulsing visibly.

Megan, who was sitting opposite him, was too scared to utter a single word. She had never seen Carlos lose his temper before.

After several minutes of silence, Carlos calmed down and said to Megan in a flat voice, "Eat your breakfast. I'm going to work now."

"Sure. But Aunt—"

"Don't mind her!"

Megan shut her mouth immediately.


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