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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16: His Admirers

The whimpering of the injured dog diverted Jane's attention from the familiar woman. She rushed it to the veterinarian.

The dog's front leg had been grazed by the car before Jane rescued it from harm.

Sitting in the waiting room, Jane noted the time and realized she was running late for work.

Contemplating for a moment, she decided to dial Patrick's number.

"Hello?" Patrick's voice, low and chilly, came from the other end.

"Uh, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be running a bit late this morning," Jane sought his permission for her tardiness. "I hope it's not a problem."

"Why should I care? You don't need to inform me about such trivial matters!" Patrick grumbled, annoyed.

The call abruptly ended.

Jane pursed her lips, wondering why he was so distant yet irritated. Maybe he was still in a sour mood.

Nonetheless, she had done her part by informing him. The vet examined the dog and reassured Jane that it was just a minor injury that would heal quickly.

"That's good to hear, but can I leave it here for further observation?" Jane remained slightly concerned.

"Of course," replied the veterinarian with a smile.

Jane paid the two-thousand-dollar treatment bill and left the dog behind. She intended to find someone to adopt it once it had fully recovered. By the time Jane arrived at Pansy Group, it was almost eleven o'clock.

"Jane, do you have any idea what time it is? Why are you so late?" Monica approached Jane, her brow deeply furrowed, offering no time for pleasantries.

"Good morning, Monica. It wasn't intentional. I had something to attend to this morning," Jane explained politely.

"It wasn't intentional?" Monica sneered. "Spare me your lame excuses, Jane. You're just a newbie, and already you're slacking off. Are you acting this way because you think you're the boss's wife already?"

Jane responded, unruffled by Monica's aggression, "Let's be clear: I'm late, not absent. I've already informed Mr. Pansy about my tardiness, so I'm not in the wrong."


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