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Veronica CEO's Underworld Queen novel Chapter 141

  Since no more helpful information could be gained from the three men, Veronica decided to meet Julie Tan.

  Before they were able to reach the underground prison, she and Rawlf first boarded the elevator.

  Once it opened, several men including a woman which Veronica saw earlier with the medic personnel. They all bowed towards Rawlf and her when they got off the elevator.

  Rawlf nodded back at them and soon, they were led to a rather adequately illuminated hallway. The atmosphere is unusually silent and additionally, Veronica could smell a strong scent of a disinfectant product.

  After some time, Veronica saw alignment of pristine clean lock-up cells on each side.

  The first two lock-up cells were empty. They kept walking until she heard some low, short guttural sound. When they reached another cell and looked at a lock-up cell on her left where the voice originated from, she saw three men, all slumped down the floor.

  Veronica frowned. There's no obvious sign of torture but why is it they were grunting like they're experience something horrible. She raised her head towards Rawlf.

  "Pharmacological torture." Rawlf said simply.

  Veronica raised an eyebrow. This man is certainly ruthless.

  **Pharmacological torture is the use of psychotropic or other drugs to punish or extract information from a person. The aim is to force compliance by causing distress, which could be in the form of pain, anxiety, psychological disturbance, immobilization, or disorientation.

  One form of this torture involves forcibly injecting a person with addictive drugs in order to induce physical dependence. The drug is then withdrawn, and, once the person is in withdrawal, the interrogation is started. If the person complies with the torturer's demands, the drug is reintroduced, relieving the person's withdrawal symptoms.**

  Seeing the presence of the people, the three men all stood up and ran towards them and if not because of the presence of metal of the cell that separates the three men from them, they could have aggressively bumped into them.

  "Please..please…give it to me. I already told you the truth. I'm not lying! Pleaseee!" The three men said almost the same thing in despair.

  Witnessing this, Chyna secretly raised an eyebrow, observing Veronica's reaction.

  But, she was disappointed because Veronica just paused, looked at the desperate men and continued walking.

  There were forty locked-cells in total, on each side, except for the one that contained the three men, the rest were empty and clean.

  Of course, who in Country P would even have the courage to be an enemy of a Rawlf Sy.

  The empty locked-up cells is one proof of how terrifying and ruthless Rawlf Sy is. It's empty because either the people were already done for or there's no more people who dared to.

  Ahead, Veronica saw another white double door. Chyna walked ahead to open the door.

  Veronica didn't look at her but she observed that she has been glancing her way from time to time.

  Veronica didn't mind and stepped into another room. The people who were with them stopped and only Rawlf and her went inside.

  The room was painted in white on all corners. No excess furniture but just a long table where a woman familiar to her was chained in all four.

  Sensing there were people who got inside, Julie Tan turned her head to look and seeing Veronica first, her eyes turned sharp and protruded, hate apparent. But after her line of sight caught Rawlf, her early aggression turned calm.

  "Rrrrawlf." She called in a soft voice.

  The man frowned in disgust. Seeing this Veronica laughed quietly. "Was she injected with the same drug?"

  "No. I decided to leave the decision to you." "Good. You may go outside first."

  Seeing Rawlf's hesitation, Veronica assured him,

  "I'll be fine alone. Besides, what can a chained young woman do? Aside from the fact that you'll only serve as a distraction."

  Rawlf was silent for a moment. He "hmm" and kissed Veronica at the top of her head before going out of the door, not even sparing the woman lying on the table a glance.

  Witnessing the display of affection from the couple, Julie Tan once again turned aggressive.


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