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Veronica CEO's Underworld Queen novel Chapter 35

  City M. Capital City of Country P

  Rawlf and his entourage already arrived at the private airport owned by Sy International based in City M. They were politely welcomed by Sy International City M's department heads.

  "Good morning President." The department heads bowed as Rawlf Sy reached their point. Rawlf nodded his head as a reply and proceeded to a limousine. The department heads boarded after Rawlf.

  On the way to the International Business Conference venue, each had given a brief yet concise summary of the state of the department each personnel leads.

  These department heads are quite respectable and excel in their own chosen fields that Rawlf himself, despite being powerful, maintained his respect for them. After all, he does believe in Thomas Hobbes theory that man will always aspire to impress and Rawlf understood very well what these distinguished men needed in order for them to perform their very best.... Recognition. Simple as that.

  He can keep their loyalty in check to prevent unnecessary problems from arising.

  He can deal with it right away if ever but if he has the means to prevent it, why not right? After all, prevention is better than cure. This also was Rawlf's secret as to why Sy International had been stable with zero internal conflict through the years of his leadership.

  "Good, keep it up ladies and gentlemen. By late tonight after the first opening day of the International Business Conference, I would like to invite all of you for a celebration. Secretary Ryan will arrange the venue and will inform each of your secretaries for the exact time."

  This earned yet another wide smile from the department heads.

  Truly their President is worthy of being called His Excellency!

  His leadership is on point, as always. Although they would also agree with the claim that he is ruthless and cold blooded, that only applies to individuals who would dare challenge this legendary reputation.

  President Rawlf Sy of Sy International is a rational leader who would treat and pay his people with respect if they deserve it but would be another demon incarnate to those who would go against him. Each can only shudder from the fate of those foolishly brave souls from the past.

  Their line of thoughts broke when a ringing tone filled the vehicle's atmosphere. They then saw Secretary Ryan whisper something on their President's left ear who was seated in a royal manner.

  Suddenly, the temperature inside the vehicle dropped to some degrees afterwards. They saw their President type something on his phone and another ring was received by Secretary Ryan. Their President goes silent afterwards but the cold and heavy atmosphere was felt by everyone inside, they could only hope to shrink their existence so as not to distract him, in any way.


  Meanwhile back in City I.


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