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Veronica CEO's Underworld Queen novel Chapter 8


  Sy International building is the tallest building in Country P located at the heart of City I. Four years ago, it was a major shock for everyone in the elite society of the fearsome rise to power of the Sy International.

  Sy International was then already a powerful force to reckon with but for an unknown reason, the Sy International became ambitious beyond one could imagine and now evolved into a scary and lethal entity that it not only could control the media but has now the capability to even control the politics and economy of Country P.

  It's like the demon king rising even more to power, trampling unnecessary bugs on the way and now seating at the highest throne, absolutely unreachable for anyone in Country P not even

  the President of the said country.

  The ferocious man was sipping on his scotch while looking at the pictures Secretary Ryan delivered.

  Blazing red haired woman. Even more beautiful and surprisingly voluptuous compared as to how he remembered her four years ago. Voluptuous or still with her cute melons, she will always be his little enchantress. Although just by looking at her picture made him think something that he couldn't pinpoint exactly. Maturity? But of course, it's been five years and she's definitely a full woman now.

  Probably he's feeling this way because of the longing he felt for her. He shook off the emotions he couldn't understand and called for Secretary Ryan once again.

  Veronica was staying in Elitista Hotel. Another five star hotel at the heart of City I. She was very careful not to catch anyone's attention that she even prevented herself from calling or even meeting any of her friends. It was proven successful as so far she had been two days in City I and no one bothered her yet. Not that it worries her though because after she gave birth to her most precious twins...A sharp look appeared on her Veronica's expression after remembering a memory, she became passionate to learn some basic self defense which eventually, she

  became very skillful with close combat martial arts and even has become a sharpshooter herself, well, also, was once an assassin on her uncle's force.

  Yes, she can fight and shoot skillfully just like an assassin, (because she used to be one).

  She just came back from Baelforce headquarter and had given tasks to her subordinates about what to do for the meantime to finally get rid of the powerful force that was annoyingly trying to contain them. Her force must have already be on action now while she, the queen, is waiting for a job well done.


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