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Veronica CEO's Underworld Queen novel Chapter 83

  Somewhere in the mountainous region of Province I, an older man was sitting at the mansion's terrace enjoying the fresh, cold breeze of the morning air.

  Albeit his obvious old age, the man is undeniably handsome with his bushy gray eyebrows, long lashes, and deep seated eyes.

  The old man took a sip from his cup of herbal infusion tea while pretending to read the newspaper. He stayed on that cycle for a moment but as if couldn't take it anymore started to talk to the butler standing within the distance.

  "So I already have grandchildren and I've been waiting for either of the two to send a message to make me aware yet it's been days and no one ever did! Huh!!! They really hated me that much! Even to this extent! That old woman must have done something just to hoard our grandchildren all to herself!" The older man sounded angry yet the butler who was standing in the distance softened his stern expression.

  If he hadn't been following the older man as his former secretary, maybe he would really believe that he's very angry, yet former secretary now turned butler Pito knew better.

  His boss always loves the Sy Madam and tries to hide it on the surface of his angry tone whenever he talks about her. But there was never a day, for the last thirty years, that he never talked about the Sy Madame. 'Vanessa this, Vanessa that,' that butler Pito sometimes has the urge to smack the older man to bring senses into him.

  "Maybe they were just too busy, President."

  After the retirement from Sy International, butler Pito who grew accustomed to calling the old master Robert Sy in this regard decided not to change regardless of their changed status.

  "Huh?! Very busy?! Too busy not to even at least send someone to inform me of this most important piece of information!" The old master Sy argued bitterly.

  "If they're not going to tell me, I can't wait anymore!"

  "What do you mean President?" Butler Pito knew very well what the Sy Master was planning to do yet asked out of habit.

  "You know what I was planning to do, Pito. Prepare the chopper and my things! I'll visit my grandchildren one of these days!"

  Days quickly passed and twins now grew accustomed to their lives in Country P.

  Of course, why couldn't they when their family is already complete. Days only had passed yet now, the twins had their own room, additionally, with Baelfire, his computer room and Baelfair, her luxurious wardrobe which Rawlf almost filled with the most expensive bags, shows, clothes, and what nots.

  If it's not for Veronica denying him his desire of endlessly buying stuff for Baelfair, Rawlf could have certainly filled the room.

  Veronica also told her mom back in Country R that the twins will be staying with them in Country P for the moment and because there's still left unfinished business, even by Rawlf's assurance, Veronica knew that hiding the twins in Country R is much safer because of her uncle Bien's power and influence.

  It won't be easy for anyone to track their whereabouts which is proven since Rawlf himself, even by his powerful forces, wasn't able to locate her.

  It's nighttime and the couple were already in each other's embrace. After such days with having their cubs sleep with them in their own room, finally they had their private time together.


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