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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 127

Chapter 127   

Damien’s POV

The spell Stephanie showed Alora to protect our child had given me a lot of relief. While she was training our child would be safe, and should she encounter Sarah while pregnant, our child would be safe from her as well. As long as Alora lived through the encounter.

With as strong and fierce as Alora was now, I doubted there would be much Alora wouldn’t be able to make it out alive from. It would take a lot to take her down. The protection spell also soothed Zane, and knowing it was our blood that helped provide that protection gave us both a sense of pride.

The time for Alora to battle Bulma was now here. “What form are you going to train in today with Bulma?” I asked her.

Her brow furrows and her mouth bends down in a frown as she thinks for a moment, then she says. “I really, really, really want to battle her in my Kitsune form.”

“Well then, Kitsune form it is, mine is called Moyra, what is yours called?” Bulma asked her, she was standing to our side, her mates standing behind her.

My mate looks at her, delighted Bulma had agreed to the form she had wanted to train in the most. “Mine is called Starlight, Damien named it.” she says in a bright and happy tone. If she had her tail right now, it would we wagging in her excitement.

“How did you come up with that name?” Bulma asked me.

“It’s been my nickname for Alora since I first met her when she was a pup.” I said.


“Dang Alpha, you are really showing off now. Who knew you were this big a romantic.” Alex said in an impressed tone.

We’re going to have to step up our game if he’s the example of romantic male.” said Tobias, Alex nodded.

“What’s your secret?” asked Alex.

By this point Alora’s hidden her face in my chest and her shoulders are shaking, and every now and then one of the giggles she’s trying to suppress escapes her. I look down at my mate and allow the love I feel for her flow from me into her. “Love, that’s all it is, just love her with everything you are, and strive to make her happy every moment you can.”

Alora stops giggling and looks up at me with overwhelming emotions, I couldn’t resist capturing her lips in a long lingering kiss. “That, that right there, is what Alex and I want with you.” Tobias said to Bulma in a husky voice.

“I wouldn’t mind having that at all.” Bulma replies in a soft voice.

I lift up from Alora’s lips and gazed into her eyes. “Have fun my Starlight.” I tell her, my voice husky


and growly with emotion.

She smiles at me and nods, then I have to let her leave my side as she goes down to the arena floor with Bulma. My two new Enforcers sit behind me, one on each side, Alora’s, with Kass and Bella at their sides, came and sat in front of me, one on each side. Xander and Beatrice were to my left, Jaxon and Victor to my right, when Alora got back, she would be surrounded with protection.

I look over to where my mother, father, Stephanie, Sabastian, Master Brock, Master Sam and all of Alora’s brothers sat. They were all watching and talking excitedly among themselves, I could hear several praises for Alora. Hearing all this made me happy, they truly loved Alora, this was our family, our pup would grow up loved and cherished by this family.

All we could do right now, is be vigilant when we were out and about with Alora, now that she was pregnant, I would insist on her taking her enforcers or Beta and Gamma with her everywhere she goes when she’s not by my side from now on. Darien, Serenity, Matt and Lauren come over to sit with us, so Kass, Bella, Kian and Galen move over to one side so they could sit next to them.

I look at Matt and Lauren, and I see a change in Matt’s red string of fate, the arrival of his mate is now in flux, seems there has been a change on her end. This was an interesting power of mine, and the Goddess gave it to me for a reason. I looked at Bulma’s two mates, and already, I could see that their red strings to Bulma and each other have become stronger, they were more rope like now.

I smiled, they accused me of being a Romantic earlier, an it’s true. I may be an Alpha, but an Alpha always strived for a thriving Pack, and your wolves need to be happy to thrive. Loving relationships were the best environment to raise pups in. I watch my mate transform into he desire thrums through me. At the peak of her heat, she had transformed into her Kitsune, and it had been one wild ride, made even more so once I was in Lycan form. Zane growled, he was sharing the memory with me.


“Fuck, how much power do they have?” Tobias questioned in shocked surprise.


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