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Wife is a Lawyer novel Chapter 10

Just a moment ago, all of them had seen Adriana was whispering to Luis after he ran over to her. Thus, Peter assumed that it was Adriana who was instigating Luis to say so.

But Adriana simply responded, “Yeah, Mr. Alston, you are right about it. So could you please learn to discipline your son?”

She let go of Luis’s hand and smiled at this little boy, “Luis, go to your daddy’s.”

Luis looked around them and pouted, looking displeased, “Aunt Adriana, did I do something wrong?”

Theresa walked over to hold his hand, “Luis, come on. Just stay with me.”

“No!” Luis hurried to hide himself behind Adriana with his arms wrapping around her leg, “No! I wanna stay with Aunt Adriana!”

As Peter started getting more and more annoyed, Alvin frowned, “He’s just a kid. Just let him stay with whoever he wants.”

“Yeah, Peter, it’s fine. Adriana is my best friend.” Theresa echoed with an awkward smile.

Obviously, she was speaking for Adriana.

Hearing that, Peter looked at Theresa with gentleness while shaking his head, “Theresa, you are so innocent just like a girl.” While speaking, he glanced at Adriana.

Seeing that, Adriana was rendered annoyed. She couldn’t help gasping for air so as to hold back her anger for the sake of Theresa.

So unreasonable!

“Aunt Adriana, I am hungry…” Luis grabbed her hand to lead her to the seat.

Adriana turned to let out a smile at Alvin to apologize, “Alvin, could you please drive me home after we finish?”

She found it so disgusting when facing Peter.

What a cocky freak!

“Luis, come over here.” Peter beckoned Luis over.

However, Luis shook his head to refuse, “No…I wanna stay with Aunt Adriana…”

While speaking, he buried his head into her arms.

Adriana couldn’t help smiling. She lowered her head and pinched his cute face, “You’re so sweet…”

Luis smiled brightly to reply.

Suddenly, he turned to look at Peter, “Daddy…”

Then he stood up and ran over to Peter. He grabbed Peter’s hand and started pleading, “Daddy, I love to stay with Aunt Adriana. Can you make her my godmother?”

“No!” both Theresa and Peter huffed in unison.

Meanwhile, Theresa seemed to notice the surprised look of Adriana. She explained awkwardly, “Adriana, you are still single. It sounds a bit embarrassing to make you a godmother at this young age…You know, Luis is a kid. He must be kidding.”

“Don’t worry. I know that.” Adriana nodded and smiled.


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