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Wife is a Lawyer novel Chapter 110

"Peter ......"

Theresa took Peter's hand, rather incredulously, "Is it true what you said?"

"When have I ever lied to you?"

The man's attitude is indifferent, although it is trying to Theresa to explain, but between the eyebrows but vaguely appear a little impatient.

It was just a flash of emotion, so fast that Theresa didn't even catch it.

"Theresa, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I didn't mean to lie to you, it's just that ...... it's just that ......"

Adriana didn't know how to explain it, and the more she explained, the messier it got.

"The client the company is negotiating with this time is in Los Angeles, and you told me to stay in Los Angeles for four years, so she is very familiar with Los Angeles, and her English is the best in the company. That's why I brought her here."

Peter patiently continued to explain.

Perhaps, she herself did not realize that his words today, compared to the usual, a lot more.

Adriana looked at Peter's eyes deepened a bit, her good-looking eyebrows wrinkled deeper, and then she lowered her head, "Since Theresa is here, you guys talk, there's nothing going on I'll leave first."

She stepped around the two men and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Back in her room, Adriana leaned against the door panel and raised her hand over her heart, her thumping heart nearly jumping out of her throat, scaring her three souls out of her body.

She has also faced numerous difficulties and dilemmas, but never at any time will be as nervous as just now.

At this moment, in the next room.

Theresa, with red eyes and teardrops, hugged Peter pitifully, "Peter, is there really nothing between you and her?"

Although the mouth asked this, but no matter what answer Peter gave her, she would not believe it.

Theresa, has always believed only in herself.

Not to mention that the private detective gave her too much evidence before, and at the time, she thought she had misunderstood, but now it seems to be true.

Peter, tired of explaining, chose to be silent.

Theresa stood up from his arms, looked up at him with choked sobs, and said, "Peter, if you don't like me, tell me. I ...... can ...... choose to quit. Like a person, does not necessarily need to have, as long as you live a happy life, it is good."

"So, you're trying to make me and Adriana whole?"

The man's expressionless face and low, seductive voice spit out words that Theresa didn't know how to answer.

"If, however, you like Adri, I will agree. After all, Adri is my good girlfriend, she is so beautiful and so good, there are many people who like her, and it's okay."

She tried desperately to remain calm, deliberately digging a hole and waiting for Peter to jump in.


The two men looked at each other for a few seconds.

Theresa's face collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she stared up at Peter in a daze, not knowing how to answer for a long time.

She thought about the man's answer countless times, but did not expect him to answer so gently and simply that she doubted her life.

"So, you do like her, do you?"

"Next time, just ask what you want to ask, I hate it when people beat around the bush."

With his patience gone, Peter let go of Theresa, turned around and walked over to the couch, grabbed the laptop on the table, and began to work full time.

Theresa did not know how cold the polar glaciers were, but he felt how cold Peter's attitude was at that moment.

The cold made the hair chill, the cold made her shiver.

It seems to percolate into the deepest part of her heart and seems to freeze her beating heart.

"Peter, do you ...... you don't like me anymore? You wouldn't have been so cold to me before."


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