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Wife is a Lawyer novel Chapter 99

In the nick of time, Peter stepped forward and pushed Adriana and Brenden away from the two, and withstood the heavy blow of the incense burner with the back of his head.


The incense burner fell to the ground and shattered, splattering a floor of crumbs and incense ash.


From the moment he jumped on Adriana, Theresa has felt Peter's difference to Adriana, although heartbroken, but more heartbroken Peter bleeding in the back of the brain.

"Are you okay Peter?"

Theresa walked over and covered the back of his head with her hand, tears instantly came out, "Are you stupid? Although Adri is my best friend, you don't have to protect her so much, right? Do you know I'm really heartbroken?"

The smart and wise Theresa was afraid of the media people messing up the description of Adriana and Peter's relationship, so she directly used the identity of 'bestie' to defuse the reason why Peter took the initiative to protect Adriana, giving a reasonable explanation.

Adriana looked straight at Peter with her eyes, and Peter looked at her in the same way.

The two men looked at each other, each with their own thoughts.

And Adriana is more incredible, unbelievable.

The crisis came and she thought she was going to be finished, but Peter swooped in and saved her.

That kind of speed was really beyond her expectation.

There doesn't seem to be any reason to explain why Peter saved her, only one thing ......

That is, he likes himself!

In any case, she is also a mature little woman, for emotional problems have seen a lot and seen a lot, how can not feel at all?

"Have you made enough noise!?"

Brenden pulled the dazed Adriana behind him, "Don't you want to know why Gisselle and I divorced? Well, since you guys are so unemotional, I'll let you see it clearly."

Saying that, Brenden took the tablet from his assistant, clicked on the video on the Ipad and handed it to Mr. Atkins, "Watch it carefully, what kind of good person do you think your doting daughter is? Ten years ago, the wedding room, she was with another man behind my back, at that time I could have ruined her, but I gave her a chance. I just didn't expect that after all these years, she had become more aggressive and was with all kinds of men. Just because I didn't say anything, doesn't mean I didn't know. All just because you had helped me, so I kept it hidden!"

"Mmmm ...... so comfortable ...... oops, hurry up hurry up la ...... people want it... ..."

The video shows Gisselle having sex with a strange man, with unpleasant content and a pouting voice that makes you blush.

Mr. Atkins blushed and immediately turned off his Ipad.

"See clearly, there are many, many more such things!" Brenden's entire aura was in full swing, with a deep cold coldness, "Originally I wanted this to go away, everything with Gisselle's death dissipated, but you guys are too deceitful."

"Uncle is such a good man."

"This Gisselle is also too shameless."

"If Gisselle were my woman and cuckolded me, I'd get her killed."

"It seems that it's not that Uncle is impotent, but that the two of them don't have a married life."


Mr. Atkins is a decent man who saw his daughter rolling around with the man with his own eyes and was convinced.

Because that man is none other than Gisselle's former boyfriend.

He had no reason not to believe it.

"Don't frame my daughter, the person is dead, you casually synthesize the video, when we are fools?"

Mrs. Atkins didn't believe it at all.

But people who know the software know that pictures can be synthesized, the video can not do that realm.

"Go away, don't make a fool of yourself, Gisselle deserves to die for not fighting for herself, from today onwards, I'll pretend I don't have her as my daughter!"

Mr. Atkins grumbled and dragged Mrs. Atkins to the memorial service.

That was the end of a farce.

"Adri, I'm sorry to have frightened you." Brenden wrapped his arms around Adriana, his face covered with heartache.

"Peter, are you okay?"


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