Wolf President Hooks Up

Chapter 82: Ominous Girl!

Be careful that your front teeth will drop from laughing! Damn it…”

Jasper waved the sign of victory to Lucas, quacking weirdly, “You deserved it! Who asked you to be so awful and had to involve me in this? Lucas, if you’re really crippled by the bump, you can look for me in the Sahara Desert. The climate there is hot and dry, which is more suitable for the disabled.”

Lucas gritted his teeth, “Okay! Wait for it, when you go to Sahara, I’ll pray for God to take you away.”

Emmett has scored two goals and continued to slide quickly on the court with the puck, like a nimble swallow. Both Lucas and Jasper climbed into their seats, became a wounded, and could be an audience.

Jasper looked at Emmett, admiringly, and said, “Emmett’s really the strongest. He’s good at everything in sports.”

Lucas made a disapproval sound and was somewhat aggrieved, “Oh, am I terrible? Jasper, you should say honestly that between the few of us, you’re the worst. Who told you to never touch a woman? You had never mixed the yin and yang, of course, it’s imbalanced. Haha, so to say, you’re the worst in sports.”

Jasper glared at Lucas fiercely but still asked curiously, “Lucas, there’s nothing to say about me. I did something wrong and deserved to be punished, but you… How did you offend Emmett?

Lucas drank his drink and sighed, “Didn’t I met him in the afternoon? I was thinking of visiting this rich man, and it will be easier to talk about it the next time I borrow money. But who would have thought that… I would be that unlucky… Alas, I was just in time when he and his woman was doing that.”

“Ah!” Jasper’s eyes widened, and his tongue stuck out.

“I found out a big secret… He has been abnormal ever since Emmett met this little girl. I miss the original Emmett so much. So cold, so carefree, and so superior. Do you remember the incident when Oliver asked Emmett for a woman? How I miss the Emmett back then!

He had no one else in his eyes except his buddies. Oliver asked, and Emmett gave the woman to him without even a glance. But now… I didn’t say this, but if anyone dared to snatch away his current woman, I guess Emmett will kill the person straightaway.”

Lucas almost squirted out his drink, rolled his eyes, and sighed, “Hey, Oliver and Emmett are really best buddies. They are so similar in everything. Even towards women? Oliver’s like he has been possessed recently, and is obsessed with a girl pure like water. The way I see Oliver’s stance, if anyone is to snatch his little girlfriend, Oliver will destroy whoever. These two people are really interesting, they’ve gone mad together.”

he thought of Elaine’s silly look, he would be furious. That ominous girl! Would he

girl and is indeed troublesome. Jasper, we should never look for naïve girls in the future;

coldly by Jasper, and he rolled his eyes, “Fu*k off, who’s the same as you? I will not look for a woman in

“Oh, Jasper, just say the truth. Are you a woman disguised as a man? Actually, you have always liked men,

on Lucas’s head, and yelled, “Damn it! Didn’t you see me naked in the bath before? My

bath together? I’ve forgotten long ago if I’ve seen

friends were arguing and played around. Emmett, with an evil aura, completely knocked down all the opponent’s teammates. When Lucas and Jasper stop fussing, they looked

being knocked down. Only Emmett stood alone. He was like the God of war, standing in the middle, panting slightly, his eyes were deep, and didn’t know where he was looking at.

cold sweat on his head and muttered, “Luckily, we withdraw early. If not, we will definitely be knocked apart

after that, and wiped his cold sweat as well, “Yeah, I’m scared after thinking about it, I’m not going to your company in the

the time the three of them took a shower and

to death, my chest is stuck to my back! Emmett, to play with you, I didn’t have afternoon tea

Alas, who made Emmett the strongest? This was

his wicked face as usual and walked with his head slightly buried. His unrestrained figure attracted the attention of many women. He didn’t say anything and stride

and immediately continued, “Oh, Lucas, I’m hungry too. Between the few of us, Emmett had played the longest time.

at his phone? And it was repeatedly? What does this mean? Emmett was waiting for someone’s call? It must be someone who requires a lot of

immediately said, “Oh, I heard that the signals are all blocked because of some issues around here. My phone has no notifications the whole afternoon, it looks like the signal jamming is getting more and

and immediately smiled secretly at Jasper, and act together, “Yeah, yeah, mine has been idle the whole afternoon. It seems that it’s really

finally raised his eyes slightly and looked at these two people, his eyebrows frowning, “There’s

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