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You Can Run But You Can't Hide My Contractual Wife novel Chapter 104

With the word ‘fatherless’ Arabella was stunned, but she managed to stand up with elegance and with a confident poise.

“I didn’t know that bullying in this school is allowed and the person who was bullied would get the punishment. Pls. correct me if I am mistaken Mrs. Principal.” Arabella looked at the old woman who was sitting uneasily. The principle was obviously embarrassed by Ms. Thompson’s confession.

Based on how Arabella talked and her arrogant demeanor, the principal was thinking that she was really a professional lawyer. From that moment, she knew that she could not mess up with Arabella or else her position as a principal was at stake.

“Ms. Thompson, how dare you to tell lies to me? Please submit your resignation letter right away.” The principal demanded, showing her disappointment look and her full authority to punish her employee in front of Arabella.

Ms. Thompson cried with regrets in her expression, then she bowed.

“I am sorry Adam. I am sorry Ms. Jones.” Ms. Thompson said before she left remorsefully.

The three mothers were stunned as they were like being slapped hard, directly to their faces.

“If we are finished here, May I excuse ourselves first, Mrs. Principal?” Arabella had no time for fake show, but she was quite satisfied that she gave justice to her son. Adam had a higher IQ from the other kids. He was 10x advance that he could already hacked an IT system of a company. Thanks to his dad who had a genius and good-looking genes, while Arabella could only take part in protecting Adam.

“Of course. Thank you for your time Ms. Jones and sorry for the little trouble.” The principal replied quickly like she really wanted Arabella to be gone right away so she could breathe.

“Child matter isn’t little. It’s always their foundation for growth. I hope this will not happen again.” Arabella lifted Adam and turned around to leave, but she stopped in the middle to see clearly the 3 mothers who bad mouthed her.

“And please before you judged someone look at yourself first in the mirror. A mango tree would not grow a banana fruit. I may be a single mother, but I work hard and I had given my best to raise a kind and respectful son.” Arabella sarcastically commented to the three mothers who were rooted to their seats.

“I hope this school would not put my best in vain.” She made her closing remarks without turning her back to face the principal then she strode out with Adam clinging to her neck.

Adam looked at her like he had the toughest mom in the whole world.

Arabella put Adam on the back seat. Her boy was very quiet. It was quite unusual for him.

“Baby, are you okay?” Arabella asked before starting the engine. She knew Adam had something bothering him.

“Hmmm…” He replied plainly. The vigor of his voice couldn’t be found.

“Come on baby. Tell me or I am gonna be sad. You want mommy to be sad?” Arabella knew Adam was holding his emotion.

Adam didn’t look at Arabella and his stare was outside.

“Does it hurt? Are you in pain now? Let me see your wounds.” She was already in panic as her heart was heavy to see for the first time Adam was distracted and sad.

“No mommy. These wounds were nothing.” Adam replied to stop her panic attack.

“Then tell me. What’s bothering you?” Arabella had teary eyes already. When it came to Adam’s emotions, she was very attentive.

Adam was like his dad.

He was cold and unsocialized.

No one could touch him except his Uncle Damien and his mom.

“Mom, stop. I am just hungry.” Adam then laughed silly at her.

“You rascal!” Arabella reached out and tickled Adam at the back. Adam laughed and begged her to stop.

They drove to his favorite restaurant. He ordered pizza and spaghetti, then he ate it all. Just by looking at her son actively eating like the food on his table was the most delicious food in the world, she was already full.

She was full of happiness and satisfaction.

Arabella was still observing her son, but in just a blink of her eye, she saw Bill eating in the presence of Adam. His expression was the same when he enjoyed the food he was eating. Seeing Bill in her sight, Arabella’s grip on the tissue paper became tight.

“Mom, are you okay?” Adam asked that made her back to her senses.

Hearing Adam’s voice, she regained her senses and drank the water in the glass beside her in one gulp.

“Mom, are you okay? Are you that thirsty?” Adam commented as he saw his mom almost drowned herself with water.

“I am okay. Finish your food now so we could go. Uncle Damien just texted me. We are going to have a barbecue at his house tonight.” Arabella happily announced, but deep inside she just wanted to flee immediately from the place. She hated things and places that could remind her of the cruel Bill.

“Mom, I am already finished.” Adam replied with confusion as he was already finished before she drank the water. His mom was obviously distracted.

“Ohhh… Okay, let’s go now.” She quickly held Adam’s hand and they exited the place.

Night came and they were getting ready for a barbecue night at Damien’s house.

“Adam, are you ready? Let’s go!” Arabella shouted as her little boy was still inside his room.

“Adam? Adam!” Arabella shouted again, but Adam didn’t reply.

She quickly went straight to Adam’s room, then she saw Adam was lying in his bed shivering.

“Baby? Baby? My Baby!” Her panic attack instantly came out again.

She quickly touched Adam’s forehead and she was alarmed when his forehead was bursting. She quickly called Damien.

“Damien, help! Adam has a high fever!” Arabella wanted to cry in panic, but she held it as she knew it would not help being fragile where her son needed her the most.

A sudden screeching sound of a car stopped outside her house. She hurriedly carried Adam and put him in Damien’s car, then they drove to the nearest hospital.

“Relax Bel, Adam was tough like you. He will surely fight his fever and regain his strength immediately.” Damien was trying to calm Arabella as she was walking back and forth like she was inspecting the floor of the hospital.

“I know he’s tough but he never had a fever before. It’s his first!” Arabella muttered as she was puzzled by the sudden sickness of his son.

“Come on! All kids gone through this kind of sickness. It’s a common thing. What did he do this morning that caused him sick?” Damien asked.

Arabella had suspected the food they ate and she told it to Damien.


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