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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 111

When Clarissa woke up the next morning, she finally saw Matthew who was sleeping next to her.

Facing her with his slightly bent body, one of his long arms was resting on her waist. She scanned his face slowly inch by inch, from his broad forehead, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, masculine nose till his seductive lips and jawlines. My goodness! He’s still breathtakingly good-looking even when his hair is messy!

Clarissa was at a loss for words as she was bewitched by his stunning look.

She heaved a soft sigh and had to admit that the man’s stunning features were really irresistible for her.

“Why are you sighing?”

The man asked abruptly with his charismatic and husky voice as his groggy eyes slowly opened. At that very moment, Clarissa felt her heart skipped a beat.

Look at the charming pair of eyes! I seem to love him more from this moment onward!

Clarissa gaped without realizing, mesmerized by his exceptionally charming side which was totally different from his usual look.

At the sight of Clarissa’s adorable expression, Matthew’s lips lifted into a smile as he chuckled. Holding her delicate chin, he leaned closer and kissed her lips passionately.

Clarissa tried to push him away as she had not yet brushed her teeth.

Anyway, he hasn’t brushed his teeth as well. Why should I worry about having bad breaths? Feeling relieved, she kissed him back affectionately too.

It was already half an hour later when both of them finally woke up from the bed. The simple kiss earlier actually led to a steamy session on the bed, and Clarissa had to fulfill Matthew’s special request.

When they were having breakfast later, Clarissa glared at the culprit who caused her hand to feel sore.

“Clare, how about I feed you?” the man raised her brows and asked her straight as if he was unaware of her displeasure.

Clarissa shook her head at once and yelled, “I don’t want!”

Lowering her head again, she switched to hold the spoon with another hand silently. Matthew smiled meaningfully at her and kept glancing at her with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Clarissa decided not to waste time arguing with him, as she was going back to the film studio in the afternoon. They were supposed to seize the chance to spend every moment with each other before that. It was really not worth it if they ended up having a conflict!

After breakfast, both of them just stayed at the Zen Highlands. They watched a movie and again had some more steamy moments. Clarissa even shared with him about her moments while on a film shooting session with the crew.

It was a relaxing moment for Matthew as Clarissa leaned idly to him, muttering about her activities there, her friendly colleagues, and some interesting discoveries… Even so, she totally did not mention anything about Shermaine.

Matthew avoided mentioning Shermaine in front of Clarissa as well. However, he knitted his brows, recalling what the Tysons and the Wynters were discussing after Hannah’s birthday party the night before.

It was really obvious that both families intended to match-make Shermaine and him, but none of the families had mentioned anything yet.

Matthew did not clarify anything in front of them as there was really nothing between Shermaine and him. Apart from that, both the Tysons and the Wynters were really close with each other. Matthias and Jacque were having political collaborations with each other. Hence, it was not appropriate for him to take a stand impulsively, fearing that both families would end up in a disastrous dispute.

Shermaine had shared with him on moments related to the crew as well, but hers was apparently a different version from Clarissa’s. Clarissa’s version revolved around the jubilant and harmonious moments with everyone on the crew, yet Shermaine emphasized to him how Justin and the others bullied her. She looked pathetic when talking about how Justin pressurized her on behalf of Clarissa as he had a feeling for her. Does Justin have feelings for Clare?!

“Ouch! Why did you pinch me?”

Clarissa raised her voice and struggled to pull out her hand. Rubbing the painful spot on her wrist, she stared at Matthew with great displeasure.

Matthew only came to his senses when Clarissa raised her voice.

He raised his hand and brushed Clarissa’s wrist gently, then locked his fingers with hers as he gazed intently at her.

“Clare, I really don’t like it when you keep talking about Justin.”

Clarissa could not help chuckling. So he’s actually jealous of Justin?

With her head tilted, she asked deliberately, “You’re worried that both Justin and I will slowly fall for each other, aren’t you?”

Matthew’s eyes darkened as his face fell. He was very serious at the moment and did not intend to joke about this at all.

“Will you?” he asked with profound cold in his voice.

Matthew’s cold tone suddenly sent a chill down her spine. She quickly squeezed a sweet smile in order to cheer him up.

“Do you think I’m a woman who’s easily drawn to any man?”

Clarissa’s eyes widened as Matthew remained silent. She glared at him and asked unhappily, “Hey, Matthew Tyson, you really think that I’ll behave like that? Don’t you trust me?”

There was undoubtedly a sense of rage in her tone. It was as if she was warning him by glaring at him with her pair of bright round eyes. If he dared to nod his head, she would not let him off easily.

Matthew finally softened and embraced Clarissa with his arms. Lowering his head, he tried to please her by kissing her forehead, tip of the nose, and finally her seductive lips.

“Of course I know that my dear Clare is not that type of woman.”

Clarissa pinched his arm purposely as a punishment.

“If you really know, why did you give me that fierce look?”

“It’s because you kept mentioning about Justin.”

“I’m at the crew every day and deal a lot with the director. Of course I will mention his names when talking about the crew. If can, I wish to talk about you all the time. Yet we really have limited time for each other.”

She could hardly see Matthew during daytime as he was always occupied. Even during weekends, he had limited time to accompany her.

Clarissa was not grumbling; she was just telling the truth.

They did not really understand each other well as they had limited time to be together.

“Hmm…” Matthew could not really think of any words to respond.

He started to ponder about Clarissa’s words.

Clarissa actually did not mind much about this. She turned to lean against Matthew’s chest and changed the topic.


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