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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 130

When Shermaine returned to the Smallwood residence, the first scene that met her eyes was her mother crying, looking vulnerable and pitiful.

She was already in a bad mood, so when she saw her mother crying like this, she felt even more irritable.

“Shermaine, are you back? The Tyson family has gone too far, especially Matthew. I called your Uncle Jacque just now. The Tysons really need to be taught a lesson. Just one word from the Wynters, and the Tyson family will get on their knees and apologize for what they have done.”

Shermaine had heard these words from her mother countless times, and she had been hopeful.

However, her hopes were crushed each time.

“Mom, don’t be so childish. What can the Wynters do to them? They are in the same boat, after all. Rocking the boat would do no one any good.


“Don’t you ‘but’ me. If your brother could help, would things have turned out this way? Can ‘just one word’ make Matthew marry me?”

In fact, this was exactly what Kayla had in mind. She remembered that when she was young, many people would come to see the Wynters, asking for help.

When she asked her father why, he told her that the Wynters were superior and no one dared to oppose them.

That perception had been instilled in Kayla’s mind, and all these years, she thought that this was the absolute truth.

Moreover, Kayla had not encountered any setbacks or major challenges previously, so she only grew older but not wiser.

Kayla felt a little hesitant when she saw her daughter’s displeased face that was filled with disdain.

Reaching out, she hugged her and said in a low voice, “Shermaine, don’t be afraid. No matter what, I will definitely help you. After all, you are my only baby girl. If your Uncle Jacque is unwilling to help you, I will go to your grandma. Your grandfather had a lot of subordinates back then, and now they have become incredible figures. If your grandma helps to oppress the Tysons, they will have no choice but to agree.”

Shermaine was doubtful. “Mom, do you think it will work?”

“Why not? Tomorrow, I will visit your grandmother and ask her for help. If Matthew refuses, we could find someone to cause trouble for his company. Other than that, we can also make him lose his position. It would be a piece of cake for us, so don’t worry.”

Shermaine looked at her mother in surprise as she had thought that Mom was an innocent and incompetent woman who was overprotected by her grandfather.

It was totally unexpected that she could plan such strategies.

Shermaine herself had thought of these plans before, but she was not able to carry them out without help from the Wynters. Furthermore, these plans were easier said than done.

So, she was now in an awkward position.

In the evening, Kayla told James her plan. James had always loved his wife and children, so although he had nothing against the Tysons, he was fine with just threatening them a little.

Besides, the whole family needed to be in the Wynters’ good books.

Consequently, the Smallwood family visited the Wynters again the next day.

The Wynters had all gone to work, leaving only Hannah at home. Kayla held her mother and complained to her before Shermaine proceeded to tell her love story in the most piteous way possible.

Kayla then accused the Tyson family of all kinds of treachery and unkindness to the Wynters and insisted that they teach Matthew a lesson.

Although Hannah was getting older, she was not slow-witted, so of course she could discern what her daughter and granddaughter meant. She also knew that teaching the Tysons a little lesson might be a bit too much. However, for so many years, she had always felt that she owed her daughter too much, and this granddaughter had been very filial to her, thereby winning the old lady’s heart. In order to show support for the young girl, the old lady felt that she had to do something.

Moreover, the Tyson family had really gone too far this time, and they should be taught a lesson.

Later, Hannah called some of Pyotr’s former subordinates, using his relationship with them as a pivot. After her greetings, she made clear the reason she called them.

When she was done making those calls, Hannah told her daughter and granddaughter, “You girls, rest assured. The Tysons will knock on your door and apologize.”

Upon hearing that, Shermaine was overjoyed. Immediately, she hugged Hannah affectionately with an outpouring of sweet words of gratitude, which made Hannah the happiest grandmother in the world.

Perhaps it was due to her old age that she was not as cold-hearted as she used to be.

On the contrary, she now enjoyed family gatherings and adored this lovely granddaughter. She wanted to shower her with love, perhaps to redeem herself for being cruel to Kayla in her youth.

Meanwhile, Clarissa was being dressed up again for another blind date.

A high-end venue was selected just like the previous time. According to Hilary, this candidate had just returned from Wall Street. He was a venture capitalist with a net worth of billions. Moreover, he was personable and handsome. This time, Clarissa was dressed to the nines under Hilary’s supervision. After watching her dress up, she personally sent Clarissa to the venue. In order to ensure that everything went smoothly, she even sat next to Clarissa to keep an eye on her.

Although Clarissa felt helpless, she had no choice but to comply with her mother’s wishes. Shortly after she took her seat, the handsome elite man from Wall Street appeared.

Physically, he did look appealing, while his demeanor was elegant and refined.

He gave her a warm smile, gazing at her with gentle eyes. After chatting for ten minutes, she was surprised that he did not try to impress her, nor did he show any signs of looking down on women. Why does such a decent man even need to go for a blind date?

They had half an hour of simple conversation during which they asked each other some basic questions about each other’s likes, hobbies, and work.

However, Clarissa was unable to figure out if this man was interested in her or not. Deep down, she hoped that he was not.

Nevertheless, she was fine with having a meal with him.

After the meal, the man did not offer to send Clarissa home. Instead, he invited her to go for a drink.

Without hesitation, Clarissa declined with a smile.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Longman, but I don’t drink.”

“I understand, Ms. Quigley. Forgive me for being too direct. This is quite normal overseas. If I’ve offended you, I do apologize.”


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