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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 77

“Oh, what’s the matter? Are you crying because of heartbreak?”

When Amanda saw Clarissa crying, she not only didn’t comfort her but sneered at her and even wished that everyone could see this scene.

“Oh, what’s the use of crying? Kenny from our department is still fond of you; why don’t you be with him instead?”

Clarissa wiped away her tears after hearing Amanda’s nasty words as she couldn’t ignore them anymore.

“It’s alright if you are dumped. Kenny won’t mind your past with the rich guys…”


Clarissa lost her temper. It was unlike her to argue with others, but she couldn’t stand it anymore. Besides, she was only human, not to mention she was in an extremely foul mood at that moment.

She retorted rudely, “Do you really have to slander around? Who told you that I hooked up with rich guys? Why don’t you be with Kenny instead if he’s such a nice guy? Don’t think that I don’t know what kind of people both of you are.”

“Clarissa, how dare you be this rude to your senior? Do you have a death wish?”

“Yes, this is how I talk! By the way, do you even look like a senior? All you do is gossip behind others’ backs, make false accusations, and take advantage of others. You’ll be kicked out of Tyson Corporation sooner or later for someone lousy like you.”

“You b*tch! How dare you say that?” Smack!

Amanda was so enraged that she wanted to slap Clarissa, but Clarissa attacked first.

The crisp sound of smacking stunned everyone.

After a brief silence, Amanda pounced on Clarissa like a crazy woman, and Clarissa was tugged by the hair and beaten up.

The office turned chaotic. After the colleagues had separated them, Mr. Gardner rebuked them with a somber expression. Then, it was up to Joyce to decide what to do with them.

Amanda, who kept crying, gained everyone’s sympathy, but Clarissa put on a sullen expression instead. Hence, it was evident that the majority had sided with Amanda.

Amanda was a senior employee and was friends with many other colleagues. Although Clarissa was good-looking and popular, she rarely attended the company gatherings and appeared to be an arrogant person, so she was disadvantaged in this situation.

“Joyce, I was only expressing my concern when I saw Clarissa crying so pitifully. But not only was she ungrateful, but she also attacked me with ugly words and even hit me. Joyce, since we knew each other for a long time now, you know that I can be careless with words but without any evil intentions, and you know that I’m popular in the company…”

Joyce scowled as she understood what Amanda meant.

She looked at Clarissa with her usual stern expression. “Clarissa, you’ve crossed the line by using violence. This is a workplace, not a playground—don’t bring in your emotions. However, I can see that you’re slacking too, and the company doesn’t need anyone like you. Like I told you before, you’re still under probation, but you don’t have to come to work anymore since this happened.”

Clarissa knew that she was fired.

But Amanda, on the other hand, looked smugly at the beautiful slap print on Clarissa’s face.

“Any last words?” Joyce asked.

Clarissa only looked at them. What else can I say?

“All right, if there’s nothing else, I will inform the human resources department about you leaving today.”

When Clarissa turned around and left, Amanda smirked evilly.

No one came to comfort Clarissa when she was packing her things, and she immediately felt that humanity was frighteningly cruel.

Since she came and went without bringing anything with her, she left Tyson Corporation quickly without her remaining salary.

After returning to the apartment, she called Jane, but the chief editor didn’t answer.

Clarissa smiled coldly. So what if I can’t prove Elsa’s plagiarism? I can’t let myself be bullied.

She immediately posted the incident between her, Elsa, and the Twilight Company online.

As she only had nearly a million fans, this wouldn’t go viral, but it was enough to make trouble for Elsa.

After that, she posted her draft and part of the content saved on her computer.


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