You Saved Me Once Book 1

Chapter 23: 12I’ll Grow A Pit in My Stom-ach

Thankfully night came fast, and the party was starting soon.

Jake and Emma helped me decorate the house, they still cared about the aesthetics. They’re pretty cute.

We set up pastel lights all around the house. I don’t think it was a fire hazard.

The more lights, the better. We put them everywhere.

Next was locking the rooms that were off limits. Which consist of; my bedroom, Adams room, and the bedroom downstairs.

The bedroom downstairs is off limits for us too, but for different reasons. We don’t talk about it. It’s her room.

The bedrooms unlocked were the guest bedroom, which was our older brother’s Jack’s room, and Jake’s room.

Doing all of this without the help of Rochelle, or Hayes. They were next door doing, whatever.

I didn’t want to think about it.

When the party started up, they made their appearance. Along with a few other faces.

Adam’s girlfriend Lorene, and his college friends showed first. Then came the high school lacrosse team, which meant Jeff was attend-ing. It didn’t take long for the house to fill up.

Once the party started, the awkward silence faded.

I wander around, smile at people I don’t know, which is more fun, than it sounds.

Sometimes, I pull out my camera, or polaroid and take pictures. Or fiddle with the music playlist. This is at any party.

I enjoy parties on Friday nights. That’s when people’s true colors, show.

Hopefully, I can contain myself enough, so my true colors won’t show. Enough, so my secrets won’t spill out. Knowing everything that’s currently happening, I don’t think I’ll stay sober tonight, on any ac-counts.

Which in an about an hour, my true colors begin to show.


I had way too many shots, and not enough snacks. I was on a high. A destructive one.

With my camera around my neck I bump into Jeff at the snack table.

“Hey Alex.” He smiles.

He looked cleaner than me. He had a water bottle in his hand.

“Oh hey. Jiff.” I sigh.

He smiles at me.

“Are you having fun?” He asks.

He puts his arm around me. I hug him, my flimsy jacket scratches his black t-shirt. He passes me a water bottle, it’s cold.

“Utter fun Jiff. Utter FUN!” I exhale.

I point to Jake and Emma in the corner of the room, going at it. I cover my mouth and laugh.

“You’re hard to figure out Alex.” He says.

“Me? I’m hard to figure out?” I slur.

“Yep. I kind of hate when people ask the question, that’s being answered.” He says.

He smiles before looking down. For a moment my high is gone, and I see Jeff clearer, both mentally and physically. He was really nice, like all around.

We talk a little, I go for seconds, Jeff stops me.

“You really think I’m cool “shit”?” I ask.

I nudge Jeff, covering my face seconds later at my own cringe.

“Not cool “shit”, but I think you’re fucking cool. No shit, just cool.” He says.

I shake my head at his terrible joke. He looks at me again, he won’t stop. I nudge him.

“Stop that.” I laugh. I make sure to annunciate as well as I can.

“Thank you.” I laugh.

“You’re not just talking to me because you want to have sex? Or be with me, because I’m innocent? I’m not, you know?” I state.

“No, Alex.” Jeff turns to me.


to spiral me

with the entire

“What?” He asks.

player I see with girls all the time.” I

right now Alex.”

“You’re stoned.” I laugh.

He whispers into

onto him. I wanted some-one to hug me.

you mad?” I whisper into his

can smell the strong acidic


“Right.” I say.

going on with you?” He

I can’t feel a

people have you

sighs. I should

Rochelle though,

“What?” He asks.

sex with my

only for Jeff, but for someone

I’m leaving.”

you don’t want

you at school,

head before leaving me stranded at the

the main party. I rest myself against a wall, watching the scene pass me in flashes. The

normal, fit into the party scene, play along. This was enough to quiet the butterflies I

bedroom that’s off limits. The high, numbed me enough,

soon as I do, I see two college kids having

out!” I yell,

only leave the room, and my

very pissed by this, Adam tries to calm me down. When I’m off the wire, Hayes stands by me

“Alex are you okay?” Rochelle creeps

These fuckers somehow got into her fucking

spinning. I can’t

to slow down Alex.” Hayes

at his comment and ignore them both. They were pretty

to the drink table and pour myself

“Go mingle you two, go at it. I’m just having fun. The music sucks. I think I’ll go and

start to take

“Alex, I’m serious. I think you need

He spills the stuff out

the fuck!” I

do! You’re not my

wasted to take care of yourself, or anyone anyways.

snatch my cup back from him, and drink

you doing, huh?!” He steps

my best friend? Leave when you said you’d stay? Call me Little Richards, and I’ll give out.” I say to

leave me the

to the DJ. He’s young, maybe a college student.

him, and kiss him on the lips. People around cheer, Rochelle laughs. The DJ

my arm. I pull

want them to stop following me. I wanted my spinning vision,

ruined because of you. I hate you.”

I stop walking. My



fine Adam.” I

to the bathroom, I’m on edge of the countertop sink,

the annoying knocking from Adam, and the obnoxious music, I was officially done with this party.

I get pissed, and open

Turns out it’s Hayes.

to check on you.” Hayes

my brother threw the ball at my face,

wobble back onto

I blamed Adam, because he thought you’d burst into


my hands and start to

should’ve told you sober.” He

am sober.” I

a Sober Snail 5

pretty wasted too.” He laughs. Hayes’s


still drunk, my colors were coming

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