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Contract Marriage: My Sweet Bossy Wife novel Chapter 144

“Exactly, she’s the only girl who could impress me! Just hurry up. I am gonna introduce her to you.” But then Valentina hesitated for seconds. She started to wonder if Wilfred had acquainted himself with Jessica before.

“I will be there right away!” before she could continue, Wilfred hung up the phone.

Valentina was amused.

Just a moment ago, Wilfred barely showed any interest. But as soon as he learned that it was Jessica, he got totally thrilled.

There must be a secret between him and Jessica, Valentina supposed.

“Jessica, how did you get to know Ms. Fletcher? There must be a problem!” Leila walked over to Jessica, who was lingering around the buffet area to stay away from social conversation.

“Just guess. Leila, you are gonna lose everything you cherish, just like what had ever happened to me. You have taken away what belonged to me before. Now it’s time for me to take it back. An eye for an eye!” said Jessica.

Hearing that, Leila felt like her heart skipped a beat.

Now Jessica had gained the favor of Valentina. At the thought of that, Leila couldn’t help trembling out of fear as she had no idea what would happen next.

“Jessica, you are declaring a war! Just wait and see!” Leila stared at her provocatively.

“Jessica, may you come over here?” Valentina suddenly beckoned her over in distance.

“Sorry, I gotta go. Enjoy yourself.” Jessica cast her a glance and walked away.

She walked over to Valentina, who then held her arm to lead her away with a smile.

The relationship between them seemed pleasing.

Leila was overwhelmed with jealousy while watching Valentina being so nice to Jessica.

She felt like being cast away while Valentina appeared so close to Jessica.

Leila had been the focus of all ever since she was born. Never had she tasted the bitterness of being ignored, which she found so intolerable.

However, no matter how hard she tried, both Jessica and Amara could still easily overtake her in all aspects.

As long as she was in the rivalry against them, she would always be smashed.

“Ms. Fletcher, where are we going?” asked Jessica.

“I wanna introduce someone important to you. Now he has arrived.” Valentina smiled to reply while looking away.

Jessica followed her sight and then noticed a young gentleman in white suit.

It was none other than Wilfred.

Just as always, Wilfred was in white. His hair seemed to be slightly glowing while his eyes were shining like galaxy. He appeared well-bred but seemingly hard to reach.

Jessica paused for seconds as soon as she faced him. It had never occurred to her that the important one Valentina was referring to was actually Wilfred, the young man who had helped her for a few times.

Wilfred noticed Jessica as soon as he stepped into the venue.

He still remembered Jessica used to be an innocent girl when they worked together to achieve that medical miracle a few years ago.

Though the time might wash away the impression he left on Jessica, he still clearly remembered every moment he spent with her.


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