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Contract Marriage: My Sweet Bossy Wife novel Chapter 145

However, in the eyes of Lorenzo, it didn’t look like a pleasing moment.

He somehow felt a bang of pain deep inside his heart.

Never had he expected Jessica to attend this banquet. He was stunned at the very beginning.

However, when he saw Aunt Valentina, he suddenly realized what was happening.

The medical talent Valentina had mentioned about actually referred to Jessica.

The banquet was just an excuse she came up with so as to arrange a blind date between Wilfred and Jessica.

“Honey!” Lorenzo strode forward decently while frowning. His voice sounded quite chilling.

Soon, Jessica captured his husky voice, she raised her head and saw Lorenzo approaching.

Though wrapped inside the suit, his muscular and statuesque body still caught her eyes.

With the light from chandelier shedding on his face, he looked less aggressive than usual. He somehow appeared both gentle and aloof, triggering others’ will to reach.

However, his serious expression at this moment seemed too threatening for others to get close to at the same time.

With his lips pressed, Lorenzo approached domineeringly.

What was going on?

How came he appeared here?

Jessica was so confused.

It should be a banquet exclusive for medical practitioners, not for businesspeople, she supposed.

Jessica trotted over to him. However, she accidentally stumbled herself. Seeing that, Wilfred hurried forward. Fortunately, before her face hit the ground, Lorenzo managed to catch her a bit earlier than Wilfred.

“Hey, be careful.” Lorenzo hugged her into his arms. But his voice still sounded emotionless.

“But…Lorenzo…what brought you here? I was surprised when seeing your sudden arrival…”

“Valentina, the chairwoman of the Training Institute, is my aunt. Wilfred is my half-blooded brother.” While staring at her, Lorenzo tightened his hug on her waist.


Jessica was stunned.

So incredible!

Valentina was actually his aunt?

While Wilfred, the most promising young talent in the medical world of Fretston was his brother?

“Wait a second…what’s going on?” Valentina was also stunned when hearing their conversation.

She had planned to introduce Jessica to Wilfred, and then tried to make a match between them.

Everything went on smoothly until Lorenzo suddenly showed up.

“Jessica, what’s going on? Lorenzo is married! That is known to all in our family. But how did you…what’s your relationship with him?” Valentina couldn’t help exclaiming out of surprise.

At this moment, Lorenzo suddenly pinched her skin. Jessica soon felt the great pain. But meanwhile, she could clearly tell that Lorenzo was now being extremely displeased.

Undoubtedly, he did this out of madness.

“But…Ms. Fletcher…you’re right…He’s married. And I am his wife…” Jessica replied awkwardly.

Jessica was his wife?

Hearing that, Valentina was shocked.

“Honey, you should address her as Aunt Valentina just like I do.” Lorenzo smiled at Valentina mockingly.


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