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Fates Hands novel Chapter 113

Chapter 15-Book 3** 

Hello my wonderful readers, 

Just to let you all know that this chapter is an experiment, please let me know if this is any better, the same, or worse than my usual writing. It is for only this chapter. I will post two more later this evening. (Daily latest update www.noveljar.com)

Please be respectful, I listen to all comments that are helpful. I don‘t listen to those who simply want to be mean. Thank You everyone for reading and I hope you continue to enjoy it. 

It is only for this chapter, I am still finding my writing style and what I need to learn and implement. Who better to tell me than all of my wonderful readers. 

The Beast was racing out into the night. He wasn‘t interested in picking up any trail. He was feeling that the first of those bonds were gone. He was no longer under her direct control. 

The mission was to find the two females, not for that evil witch, but for himself. Something inside him felt strongly that the sisters could give them back their names. It was at that moment that Beast realized he no longer talked in his mind as just one being. He just thought their names... not his name, but their names. (Daily latest update www.noveljar.com)

It was a sign that his memory was opening up, perhaps on the other side so to was the other beast. Soon maybe they will talk. 

This was the first time he was happy. He knew he had more to do, but he was on the right path. He took out the crystal and sniffed it. There didn‘t seem to be anything coming from it. He went to the last location that was suitable. 

Silence ruled for the moment as he stood there stunned. Other smells did not bombard him; it was just the two females. He followed the trail again, this time with the car tires that led to the airport. 

Solis and Solana were enjoying a wonderful time in the moonlit desert. They would race at full speed, roll in the sand, Solis marked rocks, they even played with a couple of guards, who didn‘t find the joke as hilarious. (Daily latest update www.noveljar.com)

There were a couple of skirmishes between them because Solis wished to mate. Solana told him once in no unclear terms that it wasn‘t time for their mating yet. If he continued trying, she was going to apply her claws the next time she took a swipe at him. 

Too overwhelmed by the sights and smells Rachel went further back into Solana‘s world to give the two Lions some space alone. She was getting tired and was worried about Anna. She decided there was nothing she could do until the two powerful cats called it a night. 

In the morning, Rachel woke to the sounds of yelling. She made her way to the kitchen and there was August, yelling at Ava. Anna wasn‘t there yet. August was pissed about the chocolate cake. 

“How dare you put a sex potion in the chocolate cake!” 

“I did it to help you both through the process. I knew how you felt about the whole situation, so I decided it would be better to ease your mind.” 

“Ease my mind? Are you a nut? She is underage. I am not a molester!! 

“I did not trick you for nefarious reasons. It differs from this and you know it, Mr. Bennet. The two of you are mates, you didn‘t just mate, you tied the two of you for all time. That is what this is all about. It wasn‘t like she was a one–night stand.” 

While Rachel watched the scene between the two go back and forth, Anna came through the door with Archer. Archer went straight to Rachel, asking what was going on. (Daily latest update www.noveljar.com)

“Stretching and letting out a yawn, Rachel leaned on Archer‘s shoulder, still foggy from being woken up. Well, I haven‘t figured it out yet. It has something to do with putting a sex potion into the chocolate cake.” 

Archer was confused for a minute. 

“We all knew about the chocolate cake. Did we forget to tell August?” (2 

That was when Anna spoke up with a sheepish look on her face. 

“I know I was supposed to tell him, but he was so dead set against it. I was in love with him from that first moment I laid eyes on him.” → 


Next, she turned and left the kitchen. August stood there for a moment in shocked silence. Suddenly, as if he finally understood what was declared, he took off after her. 

Chapter 113 1

The Winchesters were always envious of the Bennet‘s, they were almost always the rulers or they were close to it because of their supreme lineages. The Winchesters were never considered to rule, even though they kept their bloodlines pure. Swe

Chapter 113 2


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