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I Won't Go Back To My Family Who Abandon Me novel Chapter 75


[When are you going to awaken?]

It was a question she’d heard many times. Come to think of it, it seemed to have become more frequent after her younger brother awakened.

[You’ll be quite pathetic if you don’t set an example for your younger brother!]

He was ashamed of her for not awakening, so the Duke told her to pretend she had.

A play that wasn’t even funny. What was even more amazing, the fact that the people around her were being deceived by the act. Even though it was a lie that could easily be revealed, the Duke, who was bound by people’s eyes and his reputation, did his best to act out this play.

[Hold the sword properly. If you don’t know how to do anything, you should just try harder.]

Even though she was born into a family famous for swordsmanship and martial arts skills, Keena wasn’t very interested.

Perhaps that’s why she always incurred the Duke’s wrath for not even having an ability. Later, he even became the one to take it out on her.

The Duchess, who could no longer stand to see her like this, asked Kiena with tears in her eyes.

[Keena, please do it for mom. Let’s make an effort today, okay?]

[If you can’t do it even if you try, then mother will persuade father.]

She was the only person who stood by her side, even if everyone ignored and despised her.

In the end, Keena had no choice but to make an effort to awaken. No, she rose beautifully to the stage her father had prepared for her, and became the perfect impostor.

Later, the duke lost interest in her with a look of boredom on his face. To be precise, ‘abandoned’ was the correct word.

Nevertheless, Keena did not hate or resent the Duke, who completely let go of her.

Her mother, however, would comfort her like this.

[I’ve never seen my daughter trying so hard.]

[That’s enough for mom.]

She was the only one who loved me and was always on my side. The one person who she wanted to keep until the end, even if she lost everything.

[I’ve never seen you so focused on something.]

[Just seeing this is enough for me.]

She thought she’d never see her again, and that she would never meet anyone who was just like her.

‘I hate you so much, Leticia.’

Of all things, she had to be breathtakingly similar to her.




“This is…”

Keena blinked slowly.

A soft bed underneath her back and a thick blanket covered her. When she looked at her injured arm, it was wrapped in a clean bandage.

“Oh, right.”

Keena swept her hair roughly and burst into laughter. In her broken memory, she belatedly remembered herself collapsing in a heap in Leticia’s room.

“Oh, my…”

The moment she slowly got up and tried to get out of bed, the wound throbbed and a curse tried to escape her lips. While barely swallowing it down, she looked around the room for a while, then Keena opened the door with a hand wrapped around her injured arm.

Fortunately, there was no sign of anyone in the hallway. It was the perfect time to leave quietly.

‘I should change my clothes before that.’

Keena sighed as she pulled her tattered clothes on. She had a rough idea of what she looked like without having to look in the mirror.

She had no idea where the clothing were kept, so she entered a room at random. Looking at the room she’d entered, which was filled with so many books that it reminded her of a small library, she had a feeling that she knew whose room it was.

Looking around, Keena found a closet in a corner. As soon as she opened the closet door.

“What are you doing now?”

As soon as the door was opened, she found the master of the room standing there with a disgruntled expression on his face.

“Oh, I’m going to borrow one of your shirts.”

Keena calmly searched Ian’s closet while talking. Ian wasn’t even angry with her, even though she was acting like this was her room.

“This is my room.”

“I see.”

With a casual reply, Keena held the white shirt she had taken out against her body. It was a little big for her, but out of all the shirts he had, it was still the smallest and this one seemed to fit her the best.

“How long are you going to stand there like that?”


“I’m going to change”


“If you’re going to keep watching, I…”

The door slammed shut before she could say she didn’t care if he watched.


“What are you doing? Not eating?”


There was an appetizing stew in front of her, but Keena just stared at Elle without touching it.

‘I would have gone out the window if my body was healthy.’

The original plan was to get out of Ian’s room and sneak out of this mansion. However, she ran into Elle in the hallway, she couldn’t escape and was dragged to the dining room.

Keena surreptitiously looked around and said.

“I’m an intruder, who entered without permission.”

“I know.”

“I even took the liberty of stealing clothes.”

“Oh, really! I know, so don’t waste your breath, and eat! Even if you leave, you should eat something before you go!”

Elle shouted in frustration at her continued hesitation. She wanted Keena to leave as soon as possible, but she was worried that she was thinner than before. She was even hurt, so it was hard to just let her go.

“Okay, you can eat.”

Keena realized that she wouldn’t let her leave before taking a bite. She took a spoonful, and as soon as she was about to eat it, Ian blocked her.

“Don’t eat it.”

“She told me to eat, and you told me not to eat. What do you want me to do?”

“If you eat it, your stomach will hurt, so don’t eat it.”


The moment Keena turned her head to see what he meant, Elle glared at Ian sternly.

“Who do you think you are? Don’t tell her not to eat what I made.”

“I’m worried that someone who’s injured will get sick.”

“Is my dish something that you can’t eat?”


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