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Lock You In My Heart novel Chapter 290

Chapter 290 Too Much Information

Gabrielle fell asleep. She was awoken from her slumber when Sophie brought dinner:

“You’re here.” With her signature smile, Gabrielle acknowledged Sophie’s presence as she sat up from her bed.

Seeing the gentleness apparent in Sophie’s face delighted her.

“I was so worried about you, Miss Jones. You have no idea how relieved I am that you’ve finally woken up. I was tossing and turning in bed when I caught wind of the accident,” Sophie said as she laid the food on the table. She had felt awful back then.

“I’m incredibly sorry that I made you worry.” Gabrielle retorted with a tinge of

guilt in her voice.

“Please don‘t apologize, Miss Jones. Oh no! I mean… Mrs. Morris. You are Mr. Morris’s wife, after all. It is our sworn duty to worry and look after you. Are you

He said, feeling better? She suddenly recalled what Westley told her prior to leaving He said, “Gabrielle is my wife now. Call her Mrs. Monis. Not Miss Jones.” Sophie was delighted by what she heard. It meant that Westley finally acknowledged Gabrielle as his wife. E


Sophie had been upset for the duration of the day but what she gathered sounded like music to her ears.

“I’In fine, just a couple of bruises on my back it really is no big deal. Where is Westley, by the way?”

Gabrielle asked curiously.

Her husband was nowhere to be found. She badly yearned to know where he had gone.

“He went home when I got here. Mr. Morris has been up all night. I don’t think he slept much. He must have left to have a couple hours of rest. Don’t worry, he should be back here later, Sophie answered


“He was here with me all night?’ ‘When I asked him, he said he wasn’t. Westley never tells me the truth.’

“Mr. Morris asked me to make chicken soup for you, Mrs. Morris. He specifically said to incorporate ginseng and Chinese medicine into the broth. I simmered it for three hours. The soup should taste phenomenal!” Sophie poured her a bowl of piping hot chicken soup and placed it down in front of her.

“What did you call me?” Something felt off to Gabrielle The way they said her name had changed. Sophie called her “Mrs. Morris” now. When Alvin was visiting, he addressed her the same.

She could not quite wrap her finger around the idea of being called that.

“Mrs. Morris.” Sophie’s eyes brimmed with joy and adoration as she peered at Gabrielle with an apparent smile on her face.

It was without a doubt that she went by that name now,

“Why are you suddenly calling me that?” she questioned the maid out of curiosity.

Chili 290 Too Much naman She did not have the time to seek answers from Alvin because he was in a hurry to leave. Now that Sophie was here to stay for a while, she finally had the opportunity to ask.

“Mr. Morris requested for you to be addressed as Mrs. Morris.” The smirk on Sophie’s face stretched even wider as she said that.

“Of course it would be Westley! He was the only person bold enough to give them that command.”

‘Why would he do that?’

“He was the one who told them not to call me Mrs. Morris before for heaven’s sake!

“Men are indeed from Mars. They are so difficult to comprehend.’


“I’m fine! My arm is slightly injured but that’s about it. Luckily, I was wearing a leather jacket so the rivet barely managed to scrape me. Emily is a fucking madwoman. Who in their right mind would buy a bag that could pass as a murder weapon? I should file a complaint against the manufacturer of that bag!” Mia was beyond upset.

“i’ll be alright. Don’t worry yourself too much. It’s just a few cuts and bruises. I felt fine when I woke up.” Gabrielle assured Mia.


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