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Lock You In My Heart novel Chapter 291

Chapter 291 It Is For Her Again

Gabrielle sat in bed and caught up in all her social media. She was so lost in the latest news and hottest gossip that she did not notice Westley come in. When Westley walked in on Gabrielle, he found her busy with her phone. He stood at the doorway for a few moments and waited for her to look up at him, but she did not.

Finally. Westley cleared his throat. However, the sound must be too low to catch Gabrielle’s attention because she still hadn’t lifted her eyes from her phone screen.

Not until he approached her bedside and she felt a sudden chill approaching her, did Gabrielle lift her head and meet his

“Hi. You’re back,” Gabrielle said by way of greeting. She felt a little embarrassed that she did not notice Westley walk in. Her cheeks burned red as she considered hiding under the quilt. “Yes, I’m back. What were you looking at on your phone just now?” Westley wanted to know what was so important on her phone that she did not even look up when he came in.

He was not in a good mood now. But when he spoke to Sophie, she told him that Gabrielle had a good appetite at dinner and finished all her food. It made him feel over the moon.

“Nothing. Just catching up on my social media and checking out what’s new.” Gabrielle flashed him a relaxed smile.

Then, she glanced at his clothes. He had changed his shirt and pants, but the tie that she gave him today stayed on. 5

She suddenly found herself at a loss for words as a warm feeling spread through her chest. Somehow, Westley choosing to keep her gift on him made her feel important and a little happy.

“Oh? Found anything interesting?” Westley leaned over and took a glance at her phone. He was asking rhetorically. He knew exactly what was interesting on the Internet right now.

It was Emily’s dirty laundry.

Alvin went to deal with it this afternoon. Now cyberspace was riddled with bits and pieces of Emily’s dissolute past, Westley himself could not believe the heap of historical sewage Alvin was able to uncover on Emily. He did not know that Emily had been sleeping around as early as junior high school. She indeed was no better than Gabrielle who spent her youth excelling in school and staying out of trouble. As far as Westley knew, Gabrielle even started university a virgin.

“Did you deal with Emily?” Gabrielle asked, eyeing him carefully. Deep in her heart, she already knew the answer, but she wanted to hear it from him.

Who else could fill the Internet with evidence of Emily’s scandalous past?

But Gabrielle could not help feeling amazed at the swiftness and brutality of Westley’s personal brand of retribution. It took him all of an afternoon to ruin the Garcia family and expose Emily’s infamies, including her secret sugar daddies.

As it turned out, Emily had begun leading a life of promiscuity at a very tender age, and she obviously did not mind having

sexual relations with men twice, even thrice her age

“She had it coming.” Westley answered nonchalantly as he pulled a chair over and sat down beside Gabrielle’s bed.

“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that for me, but I still appreciate it. You’re a. very capable man, Westley. You can run a company well and also dig up a person’s past so easily and thoroughly. You’re the most powerful individual I know, even more powerful than an entertainment company. You sure can find out anyone’s secrets.” Gabrielle looked at him expectantly.

Westley quickly caught on. “Is there anyone that you want me to look into?” He raised his eyebrows at her. 1

Gabrielle immediately shook her head, “No, no.”

It did not feel right for her to ask Westley of anything, especially to investigate someone.

“All right. Now that you know that I can find out anything about anyone, you have to be a good girl and listen to me, or you will be the next Emily.” Westley

curled his lips into an amused grin. He was just pulling her leg

Gabrielle let out a slight chuckle, What did he mean by saying she would be the next Emily?

Was he going to post her history on the Internet? “Well, if you’re talking about digging up my past and posting it all over the Intemet, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. I barely have any past to dig up,” Gabrielle answered, laughing a little.

She lived in an orphanage as a little girl. She had not even learned how to crawl when her parents gave her up, and the old dean of the orphanage, who had already passed away, raised her.

When she was two years old, the Jones family took her in and legally adopted her. She spent her adolescence and young adulthood being the best daughter she could be. She focused on her studies while holding down part-time jobs. The only secret she wanted to keep buried was her hopeless infatuation for Bryce.


However, considering the immense power he wielded and the wide connections he had, could he help her find her biological parents?

է հայրել | || || || |կել եւ was still running an investigation with Alvin’s help. He believed that he would find Gabrielle’s real parents one day.


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