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Rejected My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 6

"What a filthy dog! I absolutely cannot get over Tyler blocking your calls! Does he think the mate bond will break on its own?"

Focusing on keeping my hand steady, I traced the shape of my eyelid. Bella had given me free rein in her makeup drawer; she was always the bold one though she didn't really need cosmetics.

I had spent the night alternating emotions. Bella and I ate too much junk food while complaining about men. We had decided I would be single forever sometime between the last of the potato chips and the first carton of ice cream.

"I don't know what he's thinking," I answered her honestly, "It isn't like I can hear his thoughts. I can barely feel him outside the headache he's given me."

Was that what Tyler wanted to do? Make me miserable? Physically wear me down after all the years of mentally breaking me?

I finished my eyes and put on a tinted lip gloss. I didn't want to go too heavy with my makeup when this job interview was already a longshot for me.

Bella worked at a fine dining restaurant with live entertainment called Blue Diamond. Their pianist had ran off with one of their waitresses after discovering they were fated mates.

"You look great! Stop worrying. You were on the Dean's List every semester and you have a degree in music! No one will be able to believe you're serious about working at the restaurant."

I smiled though I knew it didn't reach my eyes.

Bella always knew what to say to make me feel better. I was overqualified, but I had never had a full-time job. There was a good chance I would be rejected based on lack of practical experience.

"Are you sure you're okay going on in for the interview alone? I could call Jack. Tell him we could meet for dinner tonight instead."

"No, no, don't do that," I protested, "I'll be fine on my own and you'll be coming in to start your shift in a few hours anyway. It isn't as if the place can function without their best pastry chef, right?"

Bella laughed, "Right! Well, I'm off! See you in a few hours and good luck!"

I spent some time trying to get Tyler to respond to me either through mind-link or messages. He had blocked me from sending voicemail or texts so I had resorted to email.

I was sure the only reason he hadn't blocked me on his email was a fear I would start messaging his corporate account and risk his assistant seeing my letters.

If Tyler thought I was going to let him torment me with a half-severed bond forever, he was dead wrong.

I had endured three years of being his unwanted mate. I had learned to cook his favorite meals, sated him in his bed even when he didn't say so much as a single kind word to me, and tolerated him going around with other women along with a hundred other indignities along the way. I would admit Tyler had a right to be angry with me, but I had my own cause to resent him, too.

Neither of us had been happy together.

I chose to take the bus to Blue Diamond. My simple pencil skirt and blouse suited my slim figure. I'd gone with a French twist for my hair. My makeup gave me a healthy glow; I felt confident as I caught a few passengers giving me approving looks.

It had been an awfully long time since I had last felt pretty.

Entering the restaurant, I kept my hand on my purse to avoid fidgeting. The hostess greeted me and directed me to the piano for my interview. I settled on the bench, adjusting my posture before playing a quick scale.

"You look at home there."

I was startled by the deep voice and turned with my hands hanging above the keys, "I---I'm sorry. I was testing the balance. It's well-tuned. A fine instrument."

"Yes," the man agreed, smiling at me in amusement, "I do tend to take care of my instruments. I wouldn't be a very good businessman if I couldn't do that much, right? I'm Roy. Club owner and manager. Bella said your name was Rachel?"

"Rachel Flores. I'm pleased to meet you, Roy. Thank you so much for this opportunity."

We shook hands and I was surprised to find his grip firm and sure. He treated me as if I were a worthy applicant. I hoped he would be serious about the job.

Shuffling through the music on the stand, Roy selected a piece, "Here. This is a favorite of our patrons. Play as much as you feel confident about and we'll talk."

I scanned the page once before playing. The rhythm was familiar and the tune only of a medium level of difficulty. I had no problem completing the two pages Roy had placed in front of me.

"I can keep playing?"

Roy shook his head, chuckling, "No need. I thought Bella might have been exaggerating when she said you had a degree in music. She wasn't though, was she?"


"But you want to work here? As a piano accompaniment in a restaurant?"


We were both smiling as I met his questions with only one-word answers. I had always been a bit shy. I also didn't think Roy needed to know about my personal business.

"Well then, welcome aboard, Rachel Flores. Can you start tomorrow?"

I nodded at him, "I can. Do you have a preferred dress?"

"White shirt and black trousers or skirts. You're welcome to wear plain black shoes, either flats or a small heel."


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