Second Assault — Bond And Treason —

Chapter 28 - "I Need You to Love Me"


Arriving back at the base, I am completely exhausted but at the same time, excessively satisfied with our discovery. I can't wait to start building the plan to finally deal with Dimitri Zhukovski after all these years. My revenge is so close that I can taste it. I get out of the truck and watch the sunset on the horizon. My body feels heavy and stiff and all I want to do is go to my bedroom, curl up in bed with Xander and sleep soundly, covered by the heat of his body, next to mine.

With that thought in mind I start a speedy walk through the base, the men make the change of guard and to my relief, no one stops me for any matter that requires my attention. Xander is probably upset, after all, I assured him I wouldn't take long and that's precisely what I did. But I wanted to make sure I got a good look before leaving, I needed to gather so much detail so that I could put together a fairly accurate guide with the least margin of error.

I tried to call him on the number of the new phone I gave him, but he didn't pick up, and he didn't do it through the bond either. Now I'm worried that he's pissed off. Once I am in front of the door, I hold the knob in my hand and inhale a deep breath, building up my courage before turning it and going into our nest. He is there, standing beside the small bedside table, with the dim light of the lamp illuminating his body. But his hair is different now.

His thick, abundant locks are now a beautiful, dazzling blond. Despite the soft lighting, the threads shine brightly, accentuating the delicate features of the face and highlighting the beautiful eyes. He also changed his earrings, replacing the black rings with silver ones, with a long chain hanging from them. He looks hot as hell. I feel my dick hardening rapidly, creating a noticeable lump in my pants. I hold the breath, trying to organize my thoughts.

«Imagine something horrible, Alexei», I think, in desperation to temper my growing excitement. «Think of Yaakov naked», I repeat over and over in my mind.

—Well? — he asks, a little uncertain —. Do you like it?

—Like it? — I can't believe he asked me that question —. Are you kidding? — He looks down at his feet with a pained expression, obviously misinterpreting my words, so I rush to continue —. Kitty, I love it.

He glances up again with an expression of stunned amazement, before a big, bright smile is drawn on those plump, spongy lips that I adore so much.

«Bad thoughts, Alexei. Yaakov naked... Yaakov naked...».


—Come — I extend the arms and he rushes at me, purring with delight —. Of course I do, kitty. I do not need to lie to you.

—I was a bit insecure — closes the eyes and, in small circular movements, brushes his cheek on my chest, sighing with joy —. From black to blonde is a big step, but I liked the result.

—Me too. You look incredibly sexy — I whisper in his ear and he shudders —. And where did the idea pop up?

—Lev — tilts the head back to stare at me —. At first, it was a resounding no from me, but I underestimated his powers of persuasion.

—I should have known it was his idea. After he managed to learn, many of the henchmen were his guinea pigs. He once created a rainbow in Nikon's hair and it was a disaster — Xander laughs and the sound is the most beautiful melody to my ears.

I can't express the emotion or the delight I gain from knowing that that bastard did not succeed in destroying Xander's spirit. I never doubted his strength or his will, but we must admit that it is not easy to face everything he has gone through and to have done it alone.

The premature death of his mother, his grandmother, life in the boarding school, the conflicts and dangers of his work.

sky and now I'm here to give myself to him in whatever way he wants me to. I have no words to describe the relief I get from realizing

what you discovered, Magnus — slightly bulging

kittens because of that curiosity? — I smile, raising one

a finger at me —. I spent the whole day tempted to watch the video and yet I didn't. I've been a good kitty, I deserve my reward — walks away and crosses

undress, turning my back on him —. Tomorrow I'll have

just taken

the button and roll down the zipper, sliding the fabric down my legs, just a boxer preventing my complete nudity —. The meeting will be early,

thought he might have left, but I still feel his presence. So I turn

one of dense, suffocating desire, the eyes devouring every inch of my body and I remain static in my position, my lungs forgot how to work again

were nothing around us, and I get so caught up in him, that the same feeling blossoms in my chest. My pulse quickens and my cock starts to wake up, standing out noticeably through my underwear. Damn it, I

he's prepared to take it to the next level. My wolf roars in my subconscious, desperate to claim


and get out so fast that, if I were a

but not before locking the door. I lean over the sink, with my hands holding the edges tightly, staring at my reflection in the mirror. The tension in my body is so much, that

yet — I close the eyes and

warm. I put the hands on the wall and let water slide down my body and help me relax. Once I'm ready, I go outside, grabbing a towel from the rack and drying off quickly. It's not till I'm about to start drying my hair

shit when I see him. He is lying on the stomach, wearing a small white

is created in my throat as I stand there, looking at his desirable and completely seductive body

step towards the bed unsure and cursing my weakness in my head. My senses sharpen and I feel every drop of water that falls from my hair and slips down my skin. I take another step and his lips open

as Xander opens the legs a bit, leans on the knees and lifts the ass up in the air, making the shirt slide down the back and the edge curl up to

wet with a mixture of clean sweat and water. My eyes sting as they change color, indicating that

forced to clear my throat to continue —. Are you sure about this? — He nods, opening wider the legs until the underwear, still at the level of the thighs, prevents him from doing it more —. I need words, Xander — I insist —. I refuse to force you to do something you're not ready for, just to

I want to give myself to you, I want to love you. But most of all... — he pauses briefly —. I need you to love me

over the bed towards me. When he manages to shorten the distance, he gets up on the knees and places the palms on my chest, which goes

And you are warm and flushed — he bends over and kisses my mouth lightly, I clench the fists at my sides, making a superhuman effort to restrain myself

be rude —. I don't know if I'm in any control not

by loving me — I close the eyes tightly, feeling his breath mingle with mine —. My body, my heart, and

belong with him and with no one else. I sense the

and warmth of the tears on my cheeks —. I will love you until the last

I can watch him —. I love you too, Alexei Magnus

sensations we share through the kiss overwhelm me entirely. Our bond now feels stronger than ever as our love grows in intensity. I love him, with such passion and proportion that it is immeasurable. We

I can reach, he moans in my mouth and his fingers

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